Most popular CB trail channel


Expedition Leader
Most of those GMRS radios include the FRS frequencies. Not sure what the FCC thinks of that. I think you meant $15 for the ham radio license.

Back to the original post. Around here I haven't really seen a "most popular" CB channel. Some Four Wheel drive organizations have pushed CH4 for four wheelers but it doesn't really seem to have caught on.
If I turn mine on I'm running whatever channel the trail leader has chosen.


Expo this, expo that, exp
Most of those GMRS radios include the FRS frequencies. Not sure what the FCC thinks of that. I think you meant $15 for the ham radio license.

Back to the original post. Around here I haven't really seen a "most popular" CB channel. Some Four Wheel drive organizations have pushed CH4 for four wheelers but it doesn't really seem to have caught on.
If I turn mine on I'm running whatever channel the trail leader has chosen.

Right. Here is what the FCC states about the dual service radios: Last bold section on this webpage. Regarding ham license, the cost you pay to take your Amateur Radio license exam is not set by the FCC, it's set the the VE (Volunteer Examiner). In my case I paid $5.00 through SANDARC. Although $15.00 is very common.

And to keep my post on topic. In my neck of the woods (San Diego), I've seen Jeep clubs uses CB channel 20, 14, and 4.
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