Motion Sickness - Keeping the cookies in the jar


Active member
Well it seems just about every trip my 4 year old decides to show us what she ate last meal. I try to do my best on bad roads to keep her alert and to have her watch the road. When i was a youngster my nickname was "ralph"....I guess i passed this one to her....

Next trip we are going to try a little Benadryl. I have also heard mint works as well (breath mint). My wife (RN) got some cool vomit bags from the hospital that we are going to try. Might have to breakdown and get a dvd player for the truck....Maybe her attention on the screen will help this...

Just seeing what other people have done to keep the littles ones from losing their cookies?



Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Try some ginger candies. Ginger is as powerful an anti nausea as many prescription medications, has been used for thousands of years, has no side effects, and to most people tastes good.


ExPo Original
[ame=""]Sea-Band for children[/ame]

"The Sea-Band is a knitted elasticated wrist band, which operates by applying pressure on the Nei Kuan acupressure point on each wrist by means of a plastic stud. Because the bands do not use drugs, they do not cause any of the side effects associated with anti-nausea drugs and can be worn on each wrist whenever you feel nauseous."


We've had good luck with these for our little Diva on long road trips. Prior to getting them we had more than one unfortunate incident in the backseat... After we got them, none. They are colorful & fun so she likes to wear them. She'll even ask now, "Can I have my barf bands?"

Glad to see I'm not the only cause for lil Miss M. losing her cookies. ;)


My son is prone to car sickness. Whenever he is not feeling well, he will roll down the window to get some fresh air on the face. Seems to work for him ...


All good ideas, but the DVD player will make it worse if it's really motion sickness and not just drama. Ginger snap cookies seem to work better for kids than ginger candy, because they also absorb some of the acid. Make sure she can see, gets plenty of fresh air, and has a dedicated puke bowl. Mine was a Tupperware mixing/measuring bowl that had a handle and splash guard, something like this.


Active member
Great discussion guys! Keep it going!

I forgot about the bands...Thanks KC!

Ginger cookies....never thought about that one...Have to give that a try too!



Expedition Leader
On boats in the ocean the trick is to keep looking at the horizon. Seems if your brain knows where it's going it keeps the stomach in control. Jack up the car seat and tell the little tike to keep looking out of the front window.

dirty Bakers

We had to cut out the stops at dairy queen and sonic, before we head through salt river canyon. Seems dairy does it as far as ralphing goes with our second daughter.
My wife gets sick every time we go through the canyon, I have to go real slow so no more drifting practice. I will have her try ginger.


I have a huge problem with motion sickness. I basically cannot be a passenger in a vehicle for more than a few miles. It is my Achilles heel. :(

I have tried Sea-Bands, meditation, ginger, ginger-ale, Drammamine, Bonine and you name it.

For me, nothing short of Bonine does anything. Bonine will work for me if I plan ahead (take it in advance) and am careful.

However, for extended stuff, I have a prescription for Transderm Scopalamine. I don't usually like taking drugs of any type (That is my only prescription of any sort, ever), but those little patches that go behind my ears are incredible. THey don't make me drowsy like Bonine, but the make me a little dry-mouthed. THey last three days, so they require planning, but with them I was actually able to take a cruise once.

I use them VERY sparingly, but you might check that stuff out.

As for over the counter, nothing beats Bonine (for me). Drammamine is totally useless for me.



Expedition Leader
Wow- I've never opened this forum but I saw the motion sickness title and knew what it was about. I used to get sick as a dog on long trips, especially to the mountains. Dramamine usually worked for me and had the added benefit (for my folks anyways) of putting me to sleep. Sitting in the front seat with the window cracked helped a lot too but the nanny state has made that illegal for kids in most states anymore. Don't get the DVD player- it'll make it worse. As already mentioned she needs to be looking forward towards the horizon. Ginger snaps helped as did drinking part of a Coke. If you smoke, don't do it in the car with the kid. My grandmother smoked and it would make me sick that much faster; she stopped smoking around me after I puked on her. Greasy smells like hamburgers used to bother me in the car too (still do).

I've mostly outgrown it but I still get sea sick in rough water and if I'm not driving or a front seat passenger I take half a motion sickness pill when riding through the mountains or when flying. I also have one of the electric bands that seems to work pretty well unless things get really rough such as 15-20foot seas- then I'm just gonna be sick and have to deal.


New member
However, for extended stuff, I have a prescription for Transderm Scopalamine. I don't usually like taking drugs of any type (That is my only prescription of any sort, ever), but those little patches that go behind my ears are incredible. THey don't make me drowsy like Bonine, but the make me a little dry-mouthed.

I would second the Transderm Scopolamine, I spend 5+ days at a time on fishing trips and when the weather get rough, 10’+ swell, so does holding on to dinner. I have found those little patches to be the only thing that works for me in really rough seas. Under normal seas if I feel a little off I reach for Ginger in some form. Plan ahead, cause you really have to get the patch on 12 hours before the need it.

These patches are nothing to be taken lightly though. One guy thought his fell off in the shower so he placed a second on which caused him to become completed disoriented. Another guy had an interaction with his heart medication which caused a early return to the dock and trip to the ER. Both guys recovered fine, but have very different opinions of the patches now.

When I was younger and they first came out my Dad would cut them in half. Not sure if this was his idea or the Doc’s, but it might be worth asking about (from a qualified source, not my dad) if you are planning on use for the little ones. Not sense in taking a full douse if half will work.


New member
ginger pills...old timer fishing off the coast of Washington state swears by them. He used to get sea sick really bad...hasn't in a long time.

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