Mushroom Encounter while Camping


New member
Me and my buds were out in the woods, camping and i was noticing alot of mushrooms, all different kinds of mushroom and i cant help myself to be curious because i've read some articles about this edible mushrooms that has psychedelic effect on them and as i quite remember one of those mushrooms is this one right here .. My bud seems to know more infos about mushroom than me and i wanted to ask you guys if you have tried this psychedelic mushrooms yourself. Thanks for the feedback!
take the shroom and put on white paper, leave over night if its a blueish purple color your in happy land. Lots of vids on Utube on this type of mushroom


Patagucci Actual
Yo man, I hate to be a downer, but my dad is an organic chemist and hes always told me that this is super super dangerous if you dont really know what your doing. There are a bunch of species that look similar to psyloscybin that will make your liver and kidneys shut down in a short timeframe. I would highly recommend buying from somone you know has ingested specifically what they're selling. Not that I would ever suggest doing anything illegal.


Yo man, I hate to be a downer, but my dad is an organic chemist and hes always told me that this is super super dangerous if you dont really know what your doing. There are a bunch of species that look similar to psyloscybin that will make your liver and kidneys shut down in a short timeframe. I would highly recommend buying from somone you know has ingested specifically what they're selling. Not that I would ever suggest doing anything illegal.

There's a Morel that is "False" they look like the real ones, but have a off smell to them. Eat them with alcohol in your system is a good way to kill your liver, kidneys and spleen. There are Boletes that are very edible, and a couple that will make you very ill. There are Agarigus that are edible, and again some that will make you sick. I've been mushroom hunting for 35 years. If I can't identify it with certainty, I don't eat it. period. DCG


Forking Icehole
You should always get your shrooms from a reputable salesman! Picking your own without the help of jerry garcia or sid barrett can be hazardous!


All mushrooms are edible but some only once. I joined the Colorado Mycological society years ago and learned the proper identification techniques. I enjoy foraging wild edible mushrooms every summer.


Is outside
There's a Morel that is "False" they look like the real ones, but have a off smell to them. Eat them with alcohol in your system is a good way to kill your liver, kidneys and spleen. There are Boletes that are very edible, and a couple that will make you very ill. There are Agarigus that are edible, and again some that will make you sick. I've been mushroom hunting for 35 years. If I can't identify it with certainty, I don't eat it. period. DCG

This right here.


SE Expedition Society
You should always get your shrooms from a reputable salesman! Picking your own without the help of jerry garcia or sid barrett can be hazardous!
We went to a Robert Hunter show in college and he sat down next to me and handed me a bottle of Jack. Right in the middle of the show. So we invited him to the after-party and he came.
Long strange trip indeed. He played Alice's Restaurant at the party and we all sang along; I don't remember much else from there though.

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