MUT-III, testing testing one two three..what's this button do?


Watching you from a ridge
Here, someone hold my beer and watch this!

So, nice man in big brown truck brought last component of the MUTS-III, the CF-30.

Time to load some software on!

Bah, corrupted disc, doesn't read...I'll figure it out. Manual transfer to thumb drive, that'll get it onto the toughbook..

View attachment 275151
so far, so good
we have liftoff...

and finally, for some reason I got a kick out of the rear cover of the vehicle interface unit..looks factory, no?
mut vic.jpg

Tomorrow I'll hook it up to the truck, run a scan, and see if it torches the ECU :eek:


Copyright does not seem to be a big thing with the Chinese.

The CE tag which is actual fact the china export symbol looks identical to the European tag supposed to be a mark of compliance
talking of compliance
at work we ordered a part from a chinese manufacturer and requested certification to be provided
he did - he took a certification sheet he had laying around crossed out the relevant parts and literally wrote what he thought we wanted in pencil


Crazy Person
The CE tag which is actual fact the china export symbol looks identical to the European tag supposed to be a mark of compliance

You have definitely highlighted something that can be a "trap for young players" there Stu.
As you have mentioned, the difference between the China Export symbol and the European CE mark is negligible. Except for the spacing between the two characters they are virtually identical, which I am skeptical to think is merely coincidence. I have seen many examples where the symbol on a Chinese product, meant to indicated China Export, is in fact more like the European CE mark.
In another country they may not get away with that, but the Chinese do not seem to care too much about these things, so I guess that it is a case of "buyer beware" when buying products directly from China.

I should add that I have bought numerous products directly from factories in China and, for the most part, have been happy with the items I have received. The products themselves are normally okay, but the QA is questionable at times. People just have to realize that Chinese products are normally cheap for a reason, and that reason is not because they are doing you any favors. :)

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