My 1986 Ford Falcon E250


New member
dean yes I did forget the payment book! Thanks for reminding me. I call her Mable... after my grandma. A tough old girl who loved to travel.


Agile Offroad seems to do some work on the 75-91 (3rd gen) Ford Vans. I'd LOVE a TTB under mine but have no real NEED for it with another (ok 2) 4wd in the stable and the van's just a camper with road-tripping in the plans, no off-road stuff to speak of. Besides that, I really think 32x11.50s will fit stock so long as things haven't sagged too excessively and an aggressive tire that size, with good gearing a posi/locker, and PLENTY of weight on the rear axle (traction) will get you into all the trouble you want with van as nice as yours. These big girls are not made for dancing the limbo or salsa, but fireroad type stuff should be entirely manageable so long as you have recovery points and gear.


This Space For Rent
These big girls are not made for dancing the limbo or salsa

Mmmmm. Salsa.

I take mine all sorts of places it shouldn't be, and it seems to make it out alive each time. I both agree and disagree on the benefits of 4WD. I think for 90% of the places most of us will ever go, 2WD with a locker will be more than adequate. That last 10% is what good stories are made of though, and who wants to talk themselves out of seeing that out-of-the-way place because of the fear of getting stuck? When I'm participating in typical overland fashion, I'll lock my hubs in but keep the transfer case in 2WD. I won't go into 4WD until 2WD starts to get sketchy. If I'm traveling with my family, the point I shift into 4WD is the point we decide whether we can push ahead safely, or turn around. It gives me far more options than being stuck in a sketchy situation with no further traction options.

I guess it all depends on what your idea of adventure is. I take pride in knowing I can see lots and lots of things that somebody in an RV would never see....



New member
I have that exact van! Except yours is a LOT prettier. Like a dummy, I didn't get the previous owner to prove everything worked before buying- I was too excited to get it! I bought it to live in with my 3 dogs while developing property I moved to in Washington. That building is all done & now I would like to fix the RV for camping. The water system has never worked. I found the water pump switch and flipped it & it sounds like it should, but no water. Also, the clean water tank is really dark & gross-looking. I removed the toilet & put in a composting toilet, so that is disconnected from the system. Could you direct me to where I can find out how to troubleshoot the water system. I don't have the luxury of paying someone else to do this for me or even purchasing a manual & I am always willing to learn new stuff. I would appreciate any help. Thanks
Hey guys. So I just bought a 1986 ford falcon to live in while I finish up my last two years in college. It needs some work before I feel comfortable to live in it. I also don't know to much about it and all the equipment it has. I was wondering if you guys could give me a good run down on how to work all the appliances and also where to find spare parts? I need to replace one of the top windows where the bed is but I can't seem to find any online. Do you guys have any recommendations on where to find parts? Also is there any place I could buy a manual on it? Thanks!
Hey guys. So I just bought a 1986 ford falcon to live in while I finish up my last two years in college. It needs some work before I feel comfortable to live in it. I also don't know to much about it and all the equipment it has. I was wondering if you guys could give me a good run down on how to work all the appliances and also where to find spare parts? I need to replace one of the top windows where the bed is but I can't seem to find any online. Do you guys have any recommendations on where to find parts? Also is there any place I could buy a manual on it? Thanks!


Not exactly the same vans but check out the stickys on b190 (dot) com. there is a bunch of information archived there even if its not a very active forum.


This Space For Rent
This is likely not the right thread to be digging into this. I will say that the liklihood of you having appliances similar to any other Falcon camper van out there is probably pretty slim. If you can find manufacturer and model information somewhere on each of your pieces of equipment in question, the search on Google is going to be about as much help as is available. As for the windows...I'm nervous about the day when I need to replace mine as I'm certain direct replacement parts are no longer available. When the time comes I suspect I'll have to remove them and find similar new units to retrofit. I just blanked in my topper front quarter windows because I broke one of the lenses and no replacements exist except by custom creating them with Lexan and a male mold.

Good luck!


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