My new ZJ Expedition Rig


Thanks Conner. Yours is coming along nicely as well. I like your roof rack and front bumper/ stinger combo. Ill prob see u next week man.


My Hella 500s quit working on me. So I double checked the wiring, grounds, the switch and fuse. Still nothing and then I checked the fuse again and they work. My jeeps possessed. Gotta love it.


I figured it update my build thread as its been a month now. Ive recently purchased a Hitchgate recvr mounted swingout tire carrier from a local 4wd club member. I'm going to actually build a bumper system off of it. Got a heck of a deal on it. I'm fabbing up my own dual Jerry can mount set up for it. I also picked up a Skyjacker 3 in suspension lift for a decent price. Hope to get it installed this weekend. My free time has been minimum since starting school. Also picked up a detriot locker for my d35 rear along w all new zj v8 tie rod and steering linkage and complete dana 30/35 axle shafts for trail spares. Hope to get pics up soon.


If Not Now When?
Jeeze all that is going to be awesome once finally on there. I can't wait to see your franken-bumper creation, thats going to be cool. Question what do you do with your rear license plate? is your spare out of the way or do you mount it to the tire? If you make the carrier "perment" that is, and what will you do for the plate light? I might do a rear bumper/tire carrier combo in the somewhat near future and debating styles and license plate issues. My brother put his tire to the pass side and far up so it would not mess with the plate but I'm not sure I want the tire up that high.


The swing out has a plate mount on it. I just need to wire up a plate light which I'm hoping to do tomorrow along w installing the lift. Got the modifications finished on the carrier/bumper. Here's a couple pics. 527752_477611548940415_410167906_n.jpg398493_477583472276556_367527783_n.jpg400957_477578075610429_500579398_n.jpg404112_477629625605274_350948015_n.jpg523787_477629275605309_256622705_n.jpg


Thanks. That's my wheeling and wrenching buddy. Hes been into wheeling since he was 3. Hes almost 11 now.

GREAT way to raise a boy. My son started wheeling at about 8 and now at 17 is a proud Jeep owner who outwheels me at every turn :)

When I bought my 2003 Rubicon (traded a mildly built 97XJ) he was 8 and on the way home from the dealership asked, "Is this your mid life crisis?"... out of the mouths of babes... My answer? Better than blonde and 20!

Tire swing out looks like it is going to be awesome, post pics when done.



It is. Its the same track width as the zj and tows awesome. Same bolt pattern as Jeep too. Its still a work in progress but useable as it sits right now. I'm working on the onboard water and electrical systems at the moment. Hoping to have it all finished up for the spring.


I spent some time working on the zj this weekend. I installed the new skyjacker lift and some Energy suspension rear swaybar links. Rides a lot better now. I need to add a 1 inch spacer in the rear to compensate for the bumper/tire carrier. I'm hoping to get my new Rubicon Express control arms installed this week. Pics will be up soon.


If Not Now When?
I saw you pass my work and at first didn't recognize your jeep, but it looks even better now with that lift! Want to see some pics!

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