My SAS Mazda B2600 Diesel Expedition project


I've drove this truck to work and back 30 miles round trip everyday and two 250 mile road trips in the last month and its running great. Averaging 28mpg and cruises nicely at 70mph. The power is much better than the gas motor pulling hills in 5th that I used to have to downshift to 4th for. I have the max boost set at 9psi till the motor gets a few thousand miles on it. After that I'll be installing an intercooler, pyrometer and turning up the boost and fuel.


I got to take the Mazda offroad for the first time yesterday. I explored a route that I've been eyeballling for a couple years now. Turned out to be really long with lots of creek crossings and pretty difficult. The truck did great, the diesel has made 1st gear low range a real tractor gear. The trailer however didn't fair as well! LOL






More goodies...

Gauges from a Montero...


Magellan iPhone mount...


Center console from a Ranger. I found a spray paint that matched my interior for the plastic parts but I still have to get the armrest recovered.

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New member
Wow, You really have to admire a guy that installs a 5k dollar engine into a 3k pickup and does it on wooden floors! I've been wanting to do this swap since '05 and have aquiered several different mazdas to do it with and even several different D50's with the 2.3 engine. Guess I'm having motivation problems with the wopping 85 horsepower under the hood! Then again, 28mpg in that pickup sounds at least decent with the 4.44 fdr, topper shell and other stuff added.
Good job and keep the photos coming!
Also, what are you doing with the old G6 engine? I might have use for it and I have several parts you're missing just laying around.


Umm, it was done on a concrete floor, didn't cost 5k, truck didn't cost 3k, has more than 85 hp and it has 4:30 gears.
What parts am I missing?


New member
Yeah, you got me on the gearing. (4.377's?!) Engine cost 3900 and how much for shipping, duties and brokerage? I'm guessing 5k on your doorstep as Kentucky is a ways from BC. Browsing over the post I see pics of plywood floors...
My engine has a whooping 85 and of course the 56 has more depending on intercooler or not....
Looking over multiple sites that you're on I see you're searching for all sorts of little parts like power steering braket, etc....
Again, I have lots of this stuff as I have yet to complete a swap and joined this forum with brotherhood in mind, not making fun of you.
I think a lot of people could benefit from this post, but by saying it cost 3900 bucks is misleading. It's far from a bolt in swap into a fuel injected mazda and a lot of that info has been ommitted. Trust me on this one: I have a nearly mint mazda pickup as well that I've been eye balling this sway for, but up untill the last year and a half, the Hyundai engine hasn't been readily available.


I negotiated the price to $3875 to the door. The wood floor is where I did the oil pan swap, it was installed in my concrete garage. The stock 4D56 has 90hp, mine is no longer stock. The engine came with the power steering bracket, I was searching for the AC bracket which I already found. Other than some slight motor mount tweaking and shortening of the transmission input shaft by a few mm, it was a bolt in swap.
This tread was never intended to be a full blown how'd I do it step by step detailed wright up, it's just a 101 on my expedition project.
If you need specific details on how I did it to help with your swap I'll be more than happy to answer any questions for you.

Hope this clears things up for you.


New member
Wow, that's one heal of a deal on that engine. Sure beats the jerk off down in southern cali. Talked to him several times and he's just interseted in making a quick buck.
I think if the guy in BC would be willing to deal with everyone at that price, then that would be the only way to go. My main problem with doing the swap at this point is investing the money into a rebuild on a 4d55. To do it right, will end up costing about 2500-3000 just to have something of a problematic engine on my hands with the weaker head and head gasket issues.
If you still have the gas mazda engine, PM if you want to sell it as I"m looking for one.


Jeff, nice work on the truck so far. I want to see where it goes from here. My granddad bought one new and I have fond memories of riding around in it as a kid.


Jeff, nice work on the truck so far. I want to see where it goes from here. My granddad bought one new and I have fond memories of riding around in it as a kid.

Thanks! I made a little purchase at Pull-A-Part this morning, I hope to get it installed tomorrow. I'll get pics up a soon as I do.


I needed a roof rack mount to go on my topper to mount my Rolla basket and Thule bike mount to. After checking on prices in the aftermarket, I knew I could do something as good or better for way less money. I went to the local Pull-A-Part in search of a mount off something with a fairly flat roof. I soon spotted one on an Isuzu Rodeo that looked like it would fit. For $22 I figured what the heck.
I got it home and it mounted up like it was made for it, it even came with a rubber base that would keep out the water.



Now I can easily swap the basket between the Mazda and the Montero in just a few minutes...



The bike mount will go on the protruding cross bars here on the drivers side...


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