mypressi TWIST refreshed Espresso Press


Expedition Leader
Dan, count me in.

PM me details for payment. We can do PayPal like before; I just need a reminder on the email address.

PM sent. Also the N2O cartridges are rated to yield 4-double espresso shots or 8-single espresso shots. They have a cool little way of reminding you what double shot you're on! FWIW I've been able, through using it for a couple dozen shots the past week, to get 4-double shots per cartridge. Also they say, in the instructions, you can also use CO2 although I'm not sure if the yield would be the same or not nor do I know if the CO2 would change the flavor profile...but good to know just the same if you're in a pinch.


Any of these left? My handpresso appears to be down for the count. I think something's wrong with the pressure tank - not really sure. The seals and gaskets all appear to be in place.
I don't know that I want to pay to get it repaired when I could get one of these maybe, use the rest of my ESE pods in it, and then use real coffee, too.


Expedition Leader
Hi Darin,

Yes I have more to sell at this price. Sorry to hear about your Handpresso. I wonder what would happen if you contacted the folks at Handpresso and asked for a warranty replacement or repair? Not that I don't think you should buy one of the mypressi TWIST refreshed from me...but if you're happy with the Handpresso and could get it fixed for little to nothing :)



Expedition Leader
PMs sent. Thank you! If you love espresso you're about to be quite amazed something so portable and relatively affordable, especially, can put out such wonderful crema laden espresso: Anywhere you can get/make hot water!



Expedition Leader
Hey Dan,
Got mine about an hour ago and just pulled my first four shots. WOW:coffeedrink: Thanks for your extra instructions, you are a master of the bean! The first round went well, about the same as my handpresso using preground illy (I didn't want to waste good bean on my trial run). Round two yielded crema that could have floated a dime on it! I attribute the difference to using local roast I picked up yesterday and ground about 2 minutes before pulling the shot. Amazing results for such a relatively inexpensive device. I'm impressed with the fact that the manufacture included several replacement o rings as well.


Glad you received it and like it as much as I like mine!

Thank you,

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