Need advices before buying 3rd gen 4runner please!


Hi everybody. Im going to pull the trigger on a 3rd gen 4runner in a few days. Its for a daily driver and a futur expo vehicule. I need to know your opinion about what's the best choice between those two:

A 2000 Limited with 260 000 KM with rear locker

or a 1999 SR5 with 180 000 KM, no locker

Both at the same price. Should I go with the Limited with more mileage or the SR5 with less mileage?
What you guys think?


What's the service history on them? If you can't verify whether the timing belt has been changed out, then you are going to have to drop the cash on that on either of them. I would work backward and add up what each vehicle needs and what you would want on each vehicle and then weigh it out.

The mileage is not as big of an issue unless one of them checks out better than the other.

I'm leaning toward the limited because I like the locker.


The SR5 have a better service history and the timing belt have been done not too long ago.
The Limited, the guy don't have a clue when it have been done. He had the truck for 1 year and just did the brake on it.

On the other side the limited have no rust at all, compared to the SR5 who have some spots...


As someone who has just dumped $1000's extra on a vehicle with unknown history. As they say, there are 2 reasons a persons sells a car (normal, not car nut like us), is when something is wrong or about to go wrong.

I am willing to bet that he has had the truck for a year, just sprung for brakes and sees a laundry list of upcoming repairs. You could probably do the locker in the SR5 for what a timing belt and other deferred maintenance would cost.


Looks like the sr5 has been used for towing a trailer. While not a horrible thing, it's still a sign of extra strain on the transmission and drivetrain. Who knows how heavy the trailer was... Also, the interior is disgusting. Anyone who neglects something as simple as keeping the interior clean, probably doesn't keep up on maintenance.


I don't know how many 3rd gens are north of the border, but they are a dime a dozen down here. I helped a friend look for one a year ago and I was amazed at how many there are. My advice for anyone looking for one would be to wait for the right one. There are too many out there to buy a lemon or take a risk.

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