Need another truck. Which to get?

Cackalak Han

So, I sold my Tacoma earlier this year and picked up a 100-series cruiser due to having a baby. It is my wife's primary rig/family camp vehicle. At first, my plans for it were magnificent and glorious. However, getting the mods past the board members has proved to be difficult. Lift? No, it's too high already. (getting the baby in and out). Sliders. $1000 for THAT? Blah blah.

So now I'm thinking I just need to get another rig of my own. I really miss having a truck, so it will be a Tacoma (1st gen) or a pick up. I really want a Tundra, but it's not in the cards right now.

Anyway, I would like it to have the following:

- 5sp 3.4L V6 or 22RE
- TRD - rear locker (Tacoma only)
- extended cab (we will take the cruiser for family trips, so lack of baby space is not an issue)

My dilemma is which to get - Tacoma with V6 or Pick up with 22RE. The truck will be used for solo/+1 camping/expedition, housework, maybe towing a 2-3k lb trailer (maybe one a year? If that). It will not be a daily driver, as I've already got a Honda for that. It will not be a rock crawler, but a lift with 32's will be installed, along with a front bumper.

I really like the pick ups, but the main thing that concerns me is the lack of power. I'm not looking for a speed demon, but something that is adequate to get me up and over the mountain passes without winding out the motor to redline the whole time. Which I found the Tacoma with the 3.4L appealing. (I've had three 3.4L's already and they did great). And the available rear locker is a plus, too. Of course, this all comes with a premium and i'd like to keep the expenses to a minimum. Keep in mind at this truck will see 5-8k miles per year, if that. I'd hate to get a $15k Tacoma to have it just sit like that.

If you were in my situation, which would you pick and why? Thanks for any input.

SC T100

Well, I am (obviously) biased, but maybe you could also try to find a decent T-100. You are looking at about the same vintage for the Tacomas (sort of) and pickups (most T100s newer), and you can get a 4x4 3.4L 5-speed extra cab (which is what I have). It's no speed demon, but not a slug either. And it's not as big as a Tundra, but roomier than the pickup/tacomas (I think it's about as big as your LC). A lot of the parts from tacomas and pickups will swap over, and I believe one of the rear lockers from TRD will bolt in as well. hey, you can even retrofit Aisin hubs to reduce the wear and tear on the front axles and cv joints and boots. It may need a little work, but there are still a few decent mileage 4x4s around if you look (and are maybe willing to travel). Just thought I would add another option to the list. Otherwise, go with a Taco since you are already familiar with them. Good luck! :)


22RE Possibly Not Suited For Towing 2-3K

Your developing garage sounds like ours: we have an '87 4 runner with the 22re, a 2000 2wd 4 runner with the 3.4 (daily driver), and a moderately modified2004 dbl cab Tacoma with the 3.4.

I wouldn't consider the 22re for towing 2-3K lbs. Ours slows down considerably towing an M416 at about 1,000 pounds. We once towed a small sailboat that probably weighed 3K lbs with the trailer and it was 25 mph up I25 rollers and certainly didn't feel safe or easy on the truck.

If you put 32's on a 22re you'll probably need to regear. Our 87 4runner lost lots of umph when we went to 31's. If you do regear don't go to 4.88 - cuts too much off the top end. I'd do 4.56 or 4.30 with that size of tire. You may be able to find 4.3 stock if the truck came with larger tires from the factory.

Seems like the Tacoma would avoid most of these problems. Unmodified you should be able to get a reasonable one for less than 15 thousand.

Howard L. Snell


Expedition Leader
If you can't find a Taco that will fit the budget, I would suggest a Nissan Frontier. I had a 2000-first year of the crew cab and it was a mule. The V6 is plenty strong and with larger tires (I had 32.5's) it sits well and wheels well.

The Nissan's are usually several grand less than a similar used Taco.

I also like the T-100 idea-they are a little harder to find but are usually a good deal and the size is just right-sort of a 7/8th's full size.

Cackalak Han

Thanks for the inputs. Hadn't thought of the T100. I'll look into those, too. So, the 22RE is out, i guess. Now to look for a Taco or T100.

Why not pickup Steve's Tacoma over on ttora? It already has some modifications.

I'm not looking for a double cab. I want the bed space more than cab space, because we've already got a rig for the family. Plus, I want a 5 speed this time. And the mod's he's got on there is too much for what I'm looking for. Thanks though.


something that is adequate to get me up and over the mountain passes without winding out the motor to redline the whole time.

That line basically makes the decision for you in the 22re vs 3.4 area. I had an 84 4Runner on 31s and 4.10s and I drove through Denver once on my trip from WI to AZ, and it was comical. I was pretty heavily loaded but still, no more than about 25 mph up any sort of incline and that was with higher rpm and wide open throttle.


Why not just trade vehicles with the wife for your solo camping trips and pick up a <$750 utility trailer to pull behind the LC for the yardwork?

Cackalak Han

Why not just trade vehicles with the wife for your solo camping trips and pick up a <$750 utility trailer to pull behind the LC for the yardwork?

Only problem is that my Honda is a small coupe and a manual (I love this car too much to sell). Wife does know how to drive a manual, but isn't too comfortable with it. Also, I don't feel good about putting her in a little Honda (safety reasons).

Good suggestion on the Tundra. Were they available with a manual?


Expo Approved™
There was a 5 speed 4x4 access cab V6 Tundra made. I've only seen a few of them, but that would be a nice truck.

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