New American Made Trailer


Supporting Sponsor
I was talking Lucille Ball, ahead of Goofy, you old codger, now go wash your c___n suit!!!!!!

Pet the Dog first, tell her I love her.
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Supporting Sponsor
Just got tracking numbers from FedEx on the Fox Wing and Oz Tent, should be here tomorrow or Saturday. Doubt they deliver on Saturday so most likley it will show Monday. I will set them up the instant they get here and take pictures, if it looks as good as they did at OVEX, I will be estatic. Makes the base a giant unit and you can enclose the Fox Wing which covers 10 foot length of the trailer and 5 foot accross the back. Set up seems to be very quick, but of course the people I watched had done it several times before I am sure. Really excited about the tent two, as it will allow the kids and the grand kids to go with us at times.

Will have it at the Summit as we are a tier two sponsor there. Time is flying this summer for sure.


Supporting Sponsor
Tent and Fox Wing came yesterday, still working on 110 wiring for Old Sarge's trailer, hope to be able tot get them up and pictures yet today.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
I was talking Lucille Ball, ahead of Goofy, you old codger, now go wash your c___n suit!!!!!!

Pet the Dog first, tell her I love her.

Well Goofy DID come before Lucy and besides I think she had an Airstream, not a tear drop. Now get back to work ya ol fart.

Kyla said she likes all Browns, even you.


Supporting Sponsor
Actually it was the long long trailer, 1953, I remember going to see it at the movies in Nebraska City. It was a tri axle, turquoise gawd awful looking thing, I have seen similar in Julian at a classic tariler park, your trailer has to be pre 1970 to be allowed in the site, some really neat things in there. I spent a day just looking at them, some have been restored to pristine condition, frame up. Truly some works of art. I have been looking for an aluminum trailer similar to the Air Strem, just a litttle more boxy. I want to restore it and polish the aluminum to a brilliant shine. I can not think of the name but my grand father bought one new and it was really cool. I have found two, but neither want to sell them, just letting them rott away. Sad.

Hug the dog, she needs it putting up with you 24/7. lol


I'd be very interested in seeing a photo and more importantly, your opinion/review of the foxwing setup. I'm looking at adding an awning to my rig and have been researching. The foxwings look fantastic, but at a few times the cost of many other options, and no way to view beforehand, I need to be sure it is durable and quick to deploy, as well as easy to repack. I'd appreciate some feedback from someone with your experience in this arena.

Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
I had planned on putting it up yesterday, but we were having windy conditions, rather not fight it in that. If it is calm today will put it out and see what I think.

I have seen them deployed and are quite useful, but never seen them being set up or torn down. Looks to be fairly simple. The end is cast aluminum, looks to be strong ACE, but who knows.

Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
I just set it up and the Oztent. Both went up very easily considering it being the first time. I had ordered a Cabellas shower/potty enclosure, and it was way more a PIA than either of the other two. The wind was blowing a little, so I did trying to see how it affected the fox wing. Not much would be my answer. Now you do have to put the poles in or it will get destroyed easily is my guess, but they are far enough out that they do not bother you at all. It all fits togehter great. I may end up getting the larger tent, as I do have room for it it turns out. They all hook together, so the both sides and the rear of the trailer are in shade. Pretty kool and the potty enclosure sets under the shaded arer or could be moved to the front of the trailer and just use the shade. With two doors on the new trailer, it will be fantastic.


The Foxwing are great bit of kit. My brother has one on his work 4wd and ease of setup is pretty good for something that size. The coverage they give is impressive and very usable
Hi Bob if I may call you that, congrats on the jump to hyper build status, Ive been watching this on the other forum and it looks awesome. Best of luck in your ventures. Jim, Rubiconcruiser.

Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
Thanks Jim, and certainly you can call me Bob.

I have a lot of pictures that have not been posted. I need to learn how to do this stuff, email is about as good as it gets for me. Switawi has been putting them up, but has missed a few days, maybe on vacation or something. Have quite a bit done since the last photos. Really excited about this trailer and the tent set ups.


Expedition Leader
I wish you all of the luck!! I can not afford one right now but love the design. I did not find interior shots when showing a friend... Maybe I am blind. Either way I hope this does great for you!

Aspen Trails Trailers

Supporting Sponsor
The interrior is the last thing I do, I actually just finished painting the upper interrior structure. I will put the fiberglass sides on finish all the wiring, leaving the top open for light, then attach the top plywood and fiberglass. Once that is done I do the carpet and attach the TV, Radio and close out the electrical. Still aways to go. Mine is more functional than some of the others. Not as ornately done inside due to the steel tubing being exposed.

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