New Conqueror Basecamp Owner


New member
Hello everyone, just purchased a Conqueror Basecamp from a fellow EXPO member and I jsut wanted to say hello! I hope that I can post my upgrades/modifications here in the future, as I have a LOT in mind!

Since I've only had the Basecamp for a week, I've just worked on doing some cleaning, paint touch-ups, ordered propane tanks, and replaced the battery. Needless to say, this is my first exped trailer and I'm extremely stoked to get it out into the Michigan wilderness!!! My trips typically consist of multi-day backpacking adventures, which I love. However, I've had an ongoing knee injury that has recently gotten worse, so I'm looking forward to setting up the Basecamp as...well...a basecamp for day-hikes!:D

Planned mods/upgrades/maintenance thus far:
- Wire-wheel and recoat all signs of rust/loose paint
- Bedline inside of nose cone, possibly inside of main storage
- Repaint top rack and ladder
- Plastisol dip appropriate latches
- Possible repaint of entire trailer to black or OD green
- Install solar charging system
- Add fridge, water pump, weatherproof radio, and additional outlets
- Install stove/BBQ grill, run gas lines to propane tanks
- Integrate gun rack into bottom of main lid
- Rework water tanks to include filtration system

Phew, that wears me out just typing it!

I did run into a few items that maybe the seasoned overlanders here can help me with. On the "driver's" side of the trailer there are two welded bolts and a latch on the top rack. I have NO idea what these are for, I assume possible mounting of a Hi-Lift or other tools???

Also, I've been perusing the forums, checking out everyone's solar setups. So far, I've just replaced the battery with an Everstart MAXX-29DC, rated at 114Ah, it should do the trick for now. I also have a 120w panel on order, should see that in a few weeks. Then, it's on to the charge controller, wiring, etc. Has anyone successfully integrated the Basecamp's inverter into their solar configuration? I've read that there may be issued getting it to work properly.

Lastly, there is a fair amount of mold/mildew stains on particularly one corner of the tent. I've Googled and found some DIY removal procedures, but I'm nervous about effecting the integrity of the canvass by using alcohol or bleach produtcs. Anyone have any tips and tricks?

Well, better get back to work. Love the forums and will be posting my progress in the future!!! Cheers!


New member
Excuse my lack of thread etiquette, been busy in the garage! Here's one pic taken a day after I bought it. I took the tent off to give the whole thing a good hows-ya-father. Not a great one, but will follow up with more...promise!!!

JK and Basecamp.jpg


New member
I have tried in the past to deal with mold stains on a canvas tent before but nothing works once the staining gets into the canvas. The best you might be able to do is lighten it with hydrogen peroxide. It's crappy but that's all you can do


New member
WIP Pics 4-5-12

Well, so far, so good! I've done some light work to the Basecamp with MUCH more to go! I got the tent cleaned up pretty good, I think with some use out in direct sunlight, any remaining stains will break down (fingers crossed).

(Excuse the pic quality, was too lazy to grab the DSLR but had the iPhone handy!)

First off, the tailgate was looking a little rough, so I removed the tool holder and sanded as needed (much needed!).


I then coated the tailgate with bed-liner. Turned out pretty nice, I think I'm going to do the whole rear!


Same thing with the latches, although I think these need to be replaced down the road for a better design.


Also, ordered the propane tanks, which fit perfectly, btw. I wrapped some Gorilla tape around them where the mounts touch as to avoid any potential rattling or wear marks.


Next step is electrical and water (these don't mix, boys and girls) ;-) Going to install a water pump, as well as pull the tanks and replace the filling tubes with a less-rigid hose. There is another thread here with some pics of how it can be done, however, I'm having trouble finding the tubing without having to buy and 50 or 100' roll! If anyone has any leads on where I can buy 4-5' of food-grade reinforced tubing, please let me know!

I should have the solar panel and controller in a couple of weeks and then on to that whole process of which I know very little! :Wow1:

Well, thanks for watching, gonna get back out to the garage and find some more work for me to do!!!


Looking Great!

I am so glad she went to a home where she'll get the love and attention she deserves. :coffeedrink:

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
Check you local DIY or Hardware store for tubing/hose. They should have it and sell by the foot.

Could you shoot me a couple pictures of the rack? is that wood strips on top?
Great work!


New member
Mark, yes, the roof rack has wood slats across it. I'll take a couple pics tomorrow and post them up.

I did find the tubing, although it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be! Home Depot, Lowes, even West Marine all carry a great assortment of the stuff...up to 1.5" ID! After lots of Googling, I finally found it by the foot and ordered up a couple extra feet just in case.

Over the weekend, I pulled the water tanks, inlet hose assemblies, and breather tubes. The brackets on the tanks are pretty lackluster, to say the least. Probably will fab some new, beefier ones. Also, I started on sanding the inside of the nose cone, made a mounting bracket for the water pump, and bought a 2nd battery for when my ARB 60 arrives! I took some pics, will post them tomorrow. Probably will also be posting lots of questions when my solar panel and charge controller are delivered (electricity is not one of my strong suits)!


Family Adventurer
Where did you get your 5 gal tank and how much did it set you back? Will they exchange it or just refill it?




New member
Took me forever to post this, but here'a another update! I spent the most time focused on the nose box and water tanks:

First, I made a mounting bracket for the water pump so that it could be taken out a bit easier for maintenance:

Then, sanded out the box:

Sprayed with bedliner, mounted pump, replaced water inlet hoses to tanks, and added some carpet:

Here's a pic of the water pump lines:

I also remounted the water tanks with new quick-connect fittings. I tried to refurbish the existing straps that secure the tanks, however, they weren't too stable. I devised my own mounting system using 8" HHMB bolts and galvanized HRS. This will allow me to pull and/or adjust the pitch of the tanks by adjusting some locknuts. Pics to follow....

The first solar panel is set to arrive tomorrow, so I'm pretty stoked to get the electrical squared away! I decided to go with another panel to put me at 220 total watts. Better to have too much than not enough, IMO!!!

That's it for now, hope you enjoy and any comment/recommendations you might have would be appreciated!!! :sombrero:


New member
Great info - looking forward to the pics of your mounting system. Did you drop the water tanks completely? Do they have any inlets at the top or front? Or just the ones at the rear?

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