New fridge freezer on the market.


On the ExPo home page.

via West County Explorers Club: There’s a new fridge on the market from Basecamp. It can chill its contents from between 0˚ and 45˚ and is available in two versions, a 42-quart ($790) and a 63-quart size ($860). It features a wireless, digital readout showing the fridge’s internal temperature and the vehicle’s battery voltage. After the vehicle has been parked for while, the fridge will cut out in order to save the vehicle’s battery. Just when it does so is adjustable via three selectable settings. There’s also an internal LED light and an open lid alarm.

There’s no word on how it stacks up to the industry standard bearers like National Luna and ARB — its priced below both of them — but here’s a link to the Overland Journal fridge review from a couple of years ago so you can compare notes.



Was thinking the same thing... Very suspiciously similar.


Do the red parts look photoshopped to anyone else? (color changed)? Something about the shadowing of it looks way off to me.


Expedition Leader
its an edgestar cabinet for sure, but its not simply a rebadge with some of the things like internal light, 3 power cut settings and those handles. thats not a problem for me as i like edgestars cabinet the best of all of them on the market. if this fridge has good electrics it could prove to be a great fridge, but its going to take alot of convincing.


Well for how many times I see "you get what you pay for" posted here, that fridge must be twice as nice as the Edgestar.

Fortunately, I don't ascribe to that. Pretty sure that's just a gussied up Edgestar and much of the price increase is simply going to the middleman that is rebadging them. I like my Edgestar, but I wouldn't pay $800 for it.


Good point MarcFJ60.
I think the old adage needs to be amended; it should read:
"You generally get what you pay for so long as the company/product has been around for generations or at least decades".

Anyways, for this fridge, the key thing is power consumption. If it's 65W, then it's got the Chinese knock-off compressor.


I love how some of you keep using the "chinese knock-off compressor" line. Where do you think the ARB compressor is made?

Back to the thread! Metal handles and red trim do not add 400+ dollars to the value! As MarcFJ60 said, I love my Edgestar but not for $800.00.

Utah KJ

Free State of Florida
There's a difference between Chinese-made and a Chinese knock-off. Would you buy a cHipad made in China because the iPad is also made in China?


Ok pardon my ignorance, but how is it a compressor is even a "knock-off" and not just another brand?
There are MANY different brands of compressors out there... Danfoss just happens to be one of them. (unlike iPads... Very poor example).

Actually I take that back, there are infact several brands of "tablet computers" out there also.
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Ok pardon my ignorance, but how is it a compressor is even a "knock-off" and not just another brand?
There are MANY different brands of compressors out there... Danfoss just happens to be one of them. (unlike iPads... Very poor example).

Actually I take that back, there are infact several brands of "tablet computers" out there also.

Two words "quality control".

As a woodworker I see this all the time with big name brands made in China such as Delta and Powermatic. Their stuff is coming out of a plant that is also producing "economy" machines that are painted a different color and a different brand but somehow the Delta and Powermatic quality is always much better than the others. They have quality control staff in plant to help make sure that their stuff gets the best bearings, best castings and most accurate machining. The other guys just take whatever junk the Chinese pack in a container for them.


Ok, so lets say that is what the Edgestar's (and possibly this fridge's) compressor is (though I'm not convinced it's quality is infact lower... yet), how does that make it a "knock-off"?? Wouldn't that just simply be a different product line? (such as Yukon axle gears vs. USA-Standard gears as an example?)

Have I unknowingly been living the last 30-something years of my life with the wrong definition for "knock-off"??? (a cheap illegitimate or counterfeit copy)?


I personally don't know anything abut the differences in the compressors in the various fridges. I was only commenting on the potential differences between the parts/components sourced from China.

I have an Edgestar which I purchased as scratch and dent for $330 shipped and it has worked fine so far.

Utah KJ

Free State of Florida
Ok pardon my ignorance, but how is it a compressor is even a "knock-off" and not just another brand?
There are MANY different brands of compressors out there... Danfoss just happens to be one of them. (unlike iPads... Very poor example).

Actually I take that back, there are infact several brands of "tablet computers" out there also.

It's an excellent example... I'm winning and you just can't handle it... haterz. :sombrero:


Pffft. folks asking for "proof", now here's the proof.
Danfoss BD35F compressor for +10 years is the standard for DC fridges.
Here's one version of the spec sheet for the BD compressor series:

Danfoss PN BD35F is the model used for most high-efficiency DC fridges.

Edgestar was the first "company" to offer a decent alternative. My wife bought me their product in spring of 2010 (best father's day gift evah!).
So far, I am very happy with it. But it is obvious to even a donkey's *** that the Chinese brand Liyang compressor (link: ) in my BELOVED fridge is A Danfoss BD35F knock-off.

I have spent 10's of hours researching this. Maybe you @$$h@t$ should do the same before spouting off.

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