New Jurgens off-road Camper Trailers!! Let's have some input....


Cool video with a Jurgens Caravan in it.... not sure what language it is though:

[ame=""]YouTube - Caravan Up Baboons Pass?[/ame]


Maybe if they lowered the air pressure in those street tires a bit? That would probably make it easier to walk up Baboons Pass!

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
A friend (thanks James) gave me a tip about these new (to me) trailers and I have spent several hours looking at all the posts and websites and really like what I am seeing. My choice would be either the Xcape or Oryx. The Xplorer looks like a great design but too heavy for my needs. I currently own an Escape Trailer so switching to an Xcape would be a natural. It is amazing to me that so many of the things that I always hoped would be in a trailer design are in yours.

I was uncertain about attending OX11 again but now looks like I will need to to see these cool trailers in person. :smiley_drive:


Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
I just saw a post where BonduGear is expecting a shipping container any day now. Can we get an update on what is coming and when? Also how about info on your website on the Xcape trailer?

Monday I signed up for the Overland Expo in anticipation of seeing the new Safari Trailers, well and others too.

The Adam Blaster

Expedition Leader
Maybe I missed it, but was there ever any price announcement on the Oryx and the Xcape?

Nothing firm as far as I can remember.
I'm sure that the fluctuating exchange rate is going to play some part in the pricing, and you can't really solidify that until you bring the goods over and pay for them.
I am looking forward to seeing the prices though, I have been very interested in these trailers along with maybe 2-3 other options that are out there.


Cool video with a Jurgens Caravan in it.... not sure what language it is though:

If you go read the comments on this video now, there has been some bad press about it and has prompted some action:

There has been the 'unofficial response' from KykNET: Part 1 Thank you for your response and commentary on the programme Kamp dit Uit. We are a socially responsible channel and take any programming that does not adhere to our moral code very seriously. From the channel's side we have contacted the production house responsible for the programme and instructed them to make a public apology for the episode.

I also retract my original 'cool' description of this video :)


Supporting Sponsor's the news.

Hey guys,
Apologies for the absence! As you can imagine, the world of dealing with DOT and NHTSA compliance is a minefield. If there is one thing we want to do, it is to do this all right the first time. When you then add all the different specifications for electrical systems, water heaters, gas systems etc., it all becomes more fun. What we are wanting to do is have all the "perishable items", items that may at some stage need to be replaced, be easily replaceable here in the US and not need to be sourced from South Africa. These include things like stoves, water heaters, electrical systems etc. We now have most of these details sorted out, including suspension options (torsion or leaf with shock), but given the shipping timeframe, we still need to wait a little while to actually get one here.

So, given delays and attention to detail, I'm afraid we will NOT have any camper trailers at OX2011. I'm sorry to disappoint those of you who wanted to see them, but we do not see the point in rushing and having an incomplete or unsatisfactory product. We will continue to work on getting them here for viewing. In the meantime, we will be able to take custom orders for any of the campers, but of course will be sight unseen for the immediate future.

Pricewise, we are looking at around $40k for the top of the line Xplorer model with the 2 doors and flop-out front bed. This comes fully equipped with electrical and battery systems, hot water, LED lighting all around, propane systems, 80qt National Luna Fridge/freezer etc. It even comes equipped with the plates and cups! This also includes all the awnings and tents that can attach to the camper.
The Xcape will be about $5-7k less, and the Oryx will run around $25k.

So, apologies again for not being able to get them in time for Expo, but we'll just have to arrange some demos and meet and greets around the country. Road trip?

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Good to get an update on the Jurgens trailers, but must admit I was a little surprised at the prices. I thought I had read earlier that the Xcape was to sell for about $25K and expected the Oryx to be around $20. Oh well, just have to wait and get a look when available.

Another question... Somewhere I read about a new suspension that had a horizontally mounted damper, but now your stating rubber torsion setup or conventional leaf springs. In my fairly extensive experience with a Torx-flex suspension is they are way too bouncy with no dampening. And leaf springs are just so old school. I sure would like to see some kind of independent trailing arm with coil-overs. I know, I'm already complaining about the price and asking for upgrades.

Sorry the rigs won't be at the Expo but I'd much rather see them right than on time.



SE Expedition Society
Hey guys,
Apologies for the absence! As you can imagine, the world of dealing with DOT and NHTSA compliance is a minefield. If there is one thing we want to do, it is to do this all right the first time. When you then add all the different specifications for electrical systems, water heaters, gas systems etc., it all becomes more fun. What we are wanting to do is have all the "perishable items", items that may at some stage need to be replaced, be easily replaceable here in the US and not need to be sourced from South Africa. These include things like stoves, water heaters, electrical systems etc. We now have most of these details sorted out, including suspension options (torsion or leaf with shock), but given the shipping timeframe, we still need to wait a little while to actually get one here.

So, given delays and attention to detail, I'm afraid we will NOT have any camper trailers at OX2011. I'm sorry to disappoint those of you who wanted to see them, but we do not see the point in rushing and having an incomplete or unsatisfactory product. We will continue to work on getting them here for viewing. In the meantime, we will be able to take custom orders for any of the campers, but of course will be sight unseen for the immediate future.

Pricewise, we are looking at around $40k for the top of the line Xplorer model with the 2 doors and flop-out front bed. This comes fully equipped with electrical and battery systems, hot water, LED lighting all around, propane systems, 80qt National Luna Fridge/freezer etc. It even comes equipped with the plates and cups! This also includes all the awnings and tents that can attach to the camper.
The Xcape will be about $5-7k less, and the Oryx will run around $25k.

So, apologies again for not being able to get them in time for Expo, but we'll just have to arrange some demos and meet and greets around the country. Road trip?



Supporting Sponsor
Good to get an update on the Jurgens trailers, but must admit I was a little surprised at the prices. I thought I had read earlier that the Xcape was to sell for about $25K and expected the Oryx to be around $20. Oh well, just have to wait and get a look when available.

Another question... Somewhere I read about a new suspension that had a horizontally mounted damper, but now your stating rubber torsion setup or conventional leaf springs. In my fairly extensive experience with a Torx-flex suspension is they are way too bouncy with no dampening. And leaf springs are just so old school. I sure would like to see some kind of independent trailing arm with coil-overs. I know, I'm already complaining about the price and asking for upgrades.

Sorry the rigs won't be at the Expo but I'd much rather see them right than on time.


We would obviously like to have them lower priced, but this is simply what it costs. When you take into account the huge expense of just shipping one of these things, you suddenly start understanding where some of the cost is coming from. If you then compare the price of other true off-road trailers, as are available in Australia, for example, they are well over the $40k price tag. The Kimberley Kamper Karavan is way north of $70k! And while I'm not comparing our trailer to theirs, that's a lot of money.The Jurgens Safari range can in no way be compared to anything else commercially available on the US market today.
We're not kidding ourselves; this trailer is not for everyone. We know the price will put a lot of people off. But we do believe there are people out there who see the value in a fully off-road capable trailer, and a lot of people whose adventures with their families will be enhanced by the addition of something like this on the market. These trailers have a storied legacy in Southern Africa and have been around since 1999 to prove that it is a system that works.
As far as the suspension goes; this is something that is actually pretty easy to change and improve. But I'm not sure I ever mentioned horizontally mounted damper. In South Africa, there is no option; torsion axle is what you get. Period. And the Engineers have reams of graphs to prove its success over other designs. Suspension has to be looked at as a whole picture, in conjunction with the trailer design; not independently of it. This trailer works extremely well with a torsion axle, and the fact that they cannot keep them on the showroom floors must say something, given African driving conditions. I get a little defensive when torsion axles just get a very general criticism, without taking into account good weight distribution and body design. Having said that, we are going to offer numerous options on suspension down the line. This will actually be a relatively easy retrofit, after purchase as well. But nothing will be done without the design of the actual engineers who know and designed every single nut and angle in these things. My personal trailer will probably be torsion axle.
Thanks for the patience; we'd also rather get it right and launch a stellar product.


The idea of a horizontally mounted dampers or shocks comes from the description of the suspension of the Xcape on your website.

"... and the new Xcape boasts a strong tubular galvanized steel chasis, and a totally new suspension system consisting of horizontally mounted dampers."



Supporting Sponsor
Thanks JPK! Now you caught us in a HUGE "oops" moment. Thanks so much for spotting that. It seems I need to pay more attention to my proofreading! When we first set up the website we used the text for the campers from the old Jurgens website (which has now been replaced in the last few months.), and have slowly been replacing it all with custom text.
Some time ago, Jurgens for a while used a torsion axle with 2 mounted shock absorbers, but soon discontinued it after their tests and computer data proved that they were actually causing more damage than they were doing any good. So they have discontinued that and use purely the torsion axles with far greater success, comfort and longevity.

Thanks again for spotting that, and please do let me know if anything else should come to your attention!

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