New MAC, desktop or laptop


I'm in the market for a new computer and ready to go back to MAC. I'm looking to replace my desktop, but also have a toshiba laptop used mainly when traveling.
I've reread the thread Scott started when he was ready to buy his mbp.
I'm trying to decide if I should get a desktop or a mbp that I use for a desktop.
Looking for some input on way to go.
My usage is mainly quickbooks, word processing and web browsing. I also want to do more with my photo collection and some basic video editing.


One thing I thought about before I bought my mac desktop...(I have a mac pro)

I was going to be using it primarily at home, as I already have an old powerbook G4.

You get more computer for your $$.
Desktops tend to last longer, as they run cooler and get less physical abuse.
Replacement parts can be cheaper on a desktop.
Easy to Expand (internally-mac pro, externally-iMac, mac mini)
Bigger screen

Just my 2 cents.


Hmmmm ....

You said it ! Video editing is a desktop thing, if you are going to spend any large amount of time at once in front of your Mac, it's a desktop you want. But the best is always to have both :D

Good luck !



Spamicus Eliminatus
I have a Macbook Pro and it is an awesome machine. Match it with an external monitor, keyboard and rodent and you can't tell the difference.

But wait until after the 8th to buy anything. Apple is releasing something and it might just include new Macbooks.


the dude

We have been using a MacBook pro as our only computer for about a month now, switching from an older PC.

I am only mildly impressed so far.

We have had two crashes and one of those required a call to Apple. They tell me that I should have bought the 4mb of ram instead of the two that we got. With all the photo editing with RAW image data they figure we where running the CPU to hot and suggested a Imac may have been better suited for us, to which I replied after spending the big $$$$ on the MBP I was expecting better.

This isn't to say that a Mac was the wrong choice. It wasn't. My new Dell laptop I use for work crashed multiple times trying to get my 100gb of photos loaded and was a complete slug once they were...

I "think" if we where to do it again, I would budget for both. A regular MacBook and a Imac...but then again I do like the MacBook pro over the regular MacBook...

yup, I think you need both.:Wow1:


Decided to go with desktop; 20", 2.4gz. Will get MAC laptop when toshiba dies, or start to use more often than now. Thanks for input.


New member
My Coin...

I'll throw in my two-cents (worthy of a nickel change), but I've been using MAC since... well, I started in 1988 with a IIci and haven't looked back. Been through the dark years and now enjoying the stability of operating on top of the OS-X (UNIX) base. I've owned more than my share of MACs over the years, and currently (between the business and personally) have 3 Desktops and two laptops and an iPhone.

The laptop goes everywhere with me, taking care of photo handling, web access, everything I would need for the business and personally (three weeks in Mexico, ton of images with no problem). The biggest gripe with Apple is the tenderness of their product. Twice I have had issue (with the current MacBook PRO)with bumps and bruises, a drop from low level can seriously injure your MAC, and Apple-Care will NOT cover anything if there is a sign of droppage or "misuse". Apple seriously needs to develop the equivalent of a "tough-book" or military-spec machine, especially for those of us who know we tend to be tough on our equipment.

That being said, I wouldn't change it for anything. The ease of use, operability, interface with all APPS together, Apple has nailed the user-experience and if you're making the transition from a Windows machine, there shouldn't be any fear factor at all; Apple will even assist in transferring ALL of your existing files, music, docs, pics etc over to the new machine when you make your purchase.

In respect to the laptop vs desktop, having the mobility of the laptop cannot be beat, and as someone mentioned, hooking it up to a full-sized monitor and keyboard makes it even easier when you're stationary.

Best of luck... "Once You Go MAC, You'll Never Go Back!".


Expedition Leader
I'll second the recommendation to buy an extended length Applecare policy. I have owned Macs of one kind or another since the 1980s. I have experienced many hardware failures, either within the first 10 hours of operation, or right around one year of ownership. My current iMac had a power supply fail a few months ago, after 10 months in service.

The PCs I've owned, including some brand names and some assembled from off-the-shelf parts, have never had a problem beyond a mouse or keyboard wearing out. No disc failures, no power supply issues, no memory chip failures, no monitor issues, nothing.

Since present-day Macs are made with almost the same parts list as PCs, I can't explain why Macs have been less reliable for me. But there it is.

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