New Mog Life


It looks like those are turning out really nice. After you test them out this summer, I'll probably be interested in a set if you plan to have them avalible.



Ready for test, I Dont lose time painting the cover for the moment, It fits ok on the hub, now oil and I go test it


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At first, I was a little concerned that the tank might stick down too far and potentially get damaged easily, but it looks reasonably low profile. That looks really nice.

What seals did you use between the tank and the face of the gearbox where the banjo washers usually go?

I really look forward to seeing how it performs.

Is that a temperature thermocouple I see in the latest pictures? I have the Atlas system for portals, diffs gearbox and engine oil and I really like it. I have observed portal temps of only 30C over ambient in prolonged highway running in my particular application (U500 has 700cc capacity)
I wonder if the added capacity will have any effect on the notorious "oil migration" issue.
Things like this are really positive contributions to the Unimog world, especially since the portal boxes are the most prevalent mechanical weak point of Unimogs.


Thats interesting & looks good.
One of my ’MOG buddys built a oil pumping system. (He enjoys building elaborate dohickeys) Flows oil in & out its two fill ports so it never overfills. Dunno how reality copes with oil frothed up while driving, probably results in excess hub oil while its driving & switched on.
If switched off or fails, hubs stay full as normal, and it only switched on anyway during highway drives when cooling is useful.

My hubs are lossing/pumping on to the axle 100 CC betwen oil change, Thats why Im afraid about It, now whit 940cc I expect to feel less extresed about that


Is that a temperature thermocouple I see in the latest pictures? I have the Atlas system for portals, diffs gearbox and engine oil and I really like it. I have observed portal temps of only 30C over ambient in prolonged highway running in my particular application (U500 has 700cc capacity)
I wonder if the added capacity will have any effect on the notorious "oil migration" issue.
Things like this are really positive contributions to the Unimog world, especially since the portal boxes are the most prevalent mechanical weak point of Unimogs.

Yes they are termocouples from rotax small airplane engine, I expect to solve the problem whit the portals, understand if is because the oil migrstion, or even whit oil enought they fail anycase,. The first test is done 50 km hiway, and no lacks of oil....


After 100 km today seems like all ok the temps on the Dash do not pass over 38 degrees, It takes 60 o 70 km to reach even 30 degrees....I didnt control before , but now looks ok


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This is very interesting. I've had three of my portals fail or show signs of failing (metal flakes) and the fourth has a leaking inner seal (front). My 1986 U1300L with Binz box is 7,000kgs fully loaded, I run 365/80 XZLs and cruise at 95kmph for long periods of time. I believe the tyres and weight have an impact on lateral strain on the bearings and the high speeds have an impact on heat. I'm normally at a max of 68°, but have hit 85° once on a very hot day and a hard run on a sealed road.

I'm waiting for AV to build me a complete set of portals with HD bearings and 20% improved gear ratios. To preserve the deep fording capability I will block off the internal rear breathers and fit external breathers. Do you have plans to fit breathers to your portal boxes?


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This is very interesting. I've had three of my portals fail or show signs of failing (metal flakes) and the fourth has a leaking inner seal (front). My 1986 U1300L with Binz box is 7,000kgs fully loaded, I run 365/80 XZLs and cruise at 95kmph for long periods of time. I believe the tyres and weight have an impact on lateral strain on the bearings and the high speeds have an impact on heat. I'm normally at a max of 68°, but have hit 85° once on a very hot day and a hard run on a sealed road.

I'm waiting for AV to build me a complete set of portals with HD bearings and 20% improved gear ratios. To preserve the deep fording capability I will block off the internal rear breathers and fit external breathers. Do you have plans to fit breathers to your portal boxes?

Thanks for your imput, about the breaters I do not plan to fit It because I dont follow the Idea to condensate the oil, It is because when You condensate oil its mind the oil is very very Hot, I beleave It is the Major problem , my idea increasing the capacity to almost 1 liter is to allow the oil to work whitout this heavy duty, the aluminium has bigger capacity of evacuate the temperature, Im in a test Mode for the moment, I Will keep You inform, in case some one wants to build a similar system


This morning I make 100 km on hiway again , boring , no lacks , and everything looks ok, the rear portals are not conected for the moment , and they go arround 50 degrees, the front ones go just 36, te reason why I dont fit the rear is to try to see some diference, and Im convince about as much km make the diference Will be bigger, So for the moment Im very Happy, In 15 days I Will make a trip , I Will upgrade son


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VGE 3.0

New member
Hallo Jostt,

Mein Name ist Michael, und ich habe großen Respekt vor Ihrer Idee und Ihrer Ausführung.
Ich glaube jedoch, dass das Portal immer noch durch die vorhandene Entlüftung "pumpt". Die Öltemperatur wird an den Zahnflanken erzeugt. Sie messen die Temperatur im zusätzlichen Volumen. Ich glaube nicht an eine vollständige Zirkulation.

Sie können die Temperaturen passiv senken, indem Sie die Kotflügel entfernen.
Die "Schutzbleche" wurden von der Bundeswehr angefordert, aber die DB empfiehlt, sie zu entfernen.

Ich freue mich auf deine Tests.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Hello Michael, I Agree 100 % what You says, thats true, the oil migration is still happening, but It is not the same for the temperature 300cc than 940cc, the cooling power is It much higher, I go forward whit the test, thanks for your opinion

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