New Sportsmobile


New member
A question if I may.
What is the arrangement for the cable going to the solar panels.
Since the roof goes up and down with the penthouse I could see where that might be a problem.
I'm curious how Sportsmobile deals with it.


A question if I may.
What is the arrangement for the cable going to the solar panels.
Since the roof goes up and down with the penthouse I could see where that might be a problem.
I'm curious how Sportsmobile deals with it.

I am not sure, but will investigate and try and find an answer. But I bet someone on the forum beats me to the answer.


Love the Roof Rack!! I've been looking into a solar upgrade for my '88 and mounting the panels on an elevated rack with a decent air gap has a side effect of the tropical roof that Land Rover used to lower interior temps in hotter regions. It will probably help the panels stay cooler as well. Very nice!! I also love the split side door mounted cabinet. Mine has a sliding side door, and while convenient at the supermarket/mall, it sure would be nice to not have to carry two stoves to be able to cook outside.


Just like at the Expo I am afraid of these beautiful vehicles.
I know what would be on my wish list. very, very nice
Thanks for making me think about it more :smiley_drive:
As I looked at the first few pictures I I thought to myself, hmm that looks like Ouray. Then I saw the engineers pass sign
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Just like at the Expo I am afraid of these beautiful vehicles.
I know what would be on my wish list. very, very nice
Thanks for making me think about it more :smiley_drive:
As I looked at the first few pictures I I thought to myself, hmm that looks like Ouray. Then I saw the engineers pass sign

I hope your wish is answered one day.


Hey Trailsurfer, I just can't get that rack out of my head. Who makes it?? Steel or Aluminum?? What are you going to use the blank space (passenger front) for more solar?? Roof Pod?? Mother-in-law guest suite???.....or something even more creative?? We're dyin' to know!!!


Hey Trailsurfer, I just can't get that rack out of my head. Who makes it?? Steel or Aluminum?? What are you going to use the blank space (passenger front) for more solar?? Roof Pod?? Mother-in-law guest suite???.....or something even more creative?? We're dyin' to know!!!

Aluminess makes the rack and bumpers right down the road from you in San Diego. And they are aluminum. Being a CA guy that loves to surf, that side of the rack is mainly for Surf Boards for Surf trips. Also for, ski's, snowboards, Kayaks, and bikes.

I learned to surf right in your town at Old Mans.


Cool thanks!!! I'll check out their site. I learned at Doheny in '69 but soon graduated to San Onofre and then Trestles. A neck injury in the 80's put a stop to it unfortunately. Paddling causes a sharp knife-like pain at the top of my right shoulder. That's why I got into the camper/jeep combo. It's about all my nearly-50 body will take. Incidentally, is your solar setup adequate to power all your electrical needs (and keep up)?? Or do you just run the motor or a generator??


Cool thanks!!! I'll check out their site. I learned at Doheny in '69 but soon graduated to San Onofre and then Trestles. A neck injury in the 80's put a stop to it unfortunately. Paddling causes a sharp knife-like pain at the top of my right shoulder. That's why I got into the camper/jeep combo. It's about all my nearly-50 body will take. Incidentally, is your solar setup adequate to power all your electrical needs (and keep up)?? Or do you just run the motor or a generator??

Solar gives me all I need. I do have two Deka (sp?) house batteries. The SMB guys thought one would be enough, but I like the added power reserves that I have with two batteries.

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