New Sprinter 6x6 Bimobil Camper "Van"


An exciting new vehicle from Bimobil, the EX510.

Sprinter 4x4 chassis
Oberaigner 6x6 conversion
Four diff lock's
766cm long
236cm wide
348cm high
Travel ready vehicle 5390 kg
Load capacity 1610kg on top of that
Two double beds (one in alcove, one in rear)
475 Liters fresh water tank
120 liters gray water tank
220 liters total diesel (two tanks)
About 258 000,- EURO starting price.












Very nice, but the price will practically purchase you a heavier duty chassis like yours.

My first thought as well. Any discrepancy in water capacity etc. can be added to the same chassis I have with little extra cost. The 6x6 sprinter is actually a bit more expensive than the fully equipped Atego. Double beds and ability to drive on a EU C1 license would be the only attraction, however taking the full C license would cost a lot less than the difference between the vehicles, and the Atego is much more capable.


Expedition Leader
400 grand nice?

258k Euros = $353,434.20

I understand you're rounding and that's just the approximate starting price........but that rounding error would buy a hell of a rig....or five:coffeedrink:


Expedition Leader
258k Euros = $353,434.20

I understand you're rounding and that's just the approximate starting price........but that rounding error would buy a hell of a rig....or five:coffeedrink:

It does say starting upgrade or two, plus $30k sales tax, etc, you're at 400 large :Wow1:

And personally, if I gotta break a $400,000 bill, I just call it 400 k. I mean it's not like you can do anything with the change these days anyway!
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Expedition Leader
With all those orange accents and a $400k(ish) price tag it better come with a couple of KTMs!:coffeedrink:


Baja Ironman
It looks like it could go just about anywhere a school bus could go with its awesome approach, departure and break over angles - not to mention ground clearance.


Expedition Leader
With all due respect, GoWesty is very expensive.

Do you know if they, ( or any of the big rigs in its class, for that matter) offer a pop top option? I don't ever recall seeing one, but it seems so reasonable to me that a certain amount of these rigs will be used by families and it would make sense to have the kids room out of the way up in a pop top.

At a few hundred grand, you'd think the structural engineering of adding a pop top wouldn't be prohibitive .
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Do you know if they, ( or any of the big rigs in its class, for that matter) offer a pop top option?

The manufacturers in this class would certainly put one in there for you if you request it. These rigs are built with anything from 5 to 10 cm of insulation to protect from heat and cold, and a bit of canvas goes a long way to make that effort wasted.

A good option is to buy a heavy truck chassis where the forward cab has one or two sleeping bunks, this adds only about 50-80 cm to the total length, but gives two indoor beds.


Expedition Leader
I've never understood why people think a "cab forward" truck or van gives more room?! The engine and other components still need to go somewhere!

Sure, you move the driver forward but the engine now needs to take up space in the back somewhere that was previously storage.


I've never understood why people think a "cab forward" truck or van gives more room?!

In "Euro" style cab forward trucks from MAN/Mercedes/Scania/Volvo/Etc. the cab sits on top of the engine. In my Atego the chassis rails are "free" almost right up to the rear of the drivers cab. Engine goes between the rails in the front, and "sticks up" a bit into the drivers cab, so the sound insulation need to be excellent. See image... (of a 2x4 truck, but same principle.)

Main downside is that the vehicle gets higher, but the box in the rear is usually the limiting factor anyway.

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