New (to me) Samurai


I'm pretty happy with the pattern and the fact that the hood isn't completely lit up and blinding me. There are some more adjustments to do to the front 2 but for the most part it's time to move on to the next big thing.


I got a lot done this weekend. The tailgate table got a few coats of poly, got the hi-lift jack mounted and the CO2 tank bracket installed. Pix to come.


This project has taken on a personality. As many projects do.

I mounted the Hi-Lift using parts left over from an old CJ5. This is the 3rd rig this Hi-lift has survived.
20150623_102809 by Tim, on Flickr

The tailgate table is a board that was once a tool box from a truck at work. Because distressed wood is the thing...
20150622_182938 by Tim, on Flickr


New member

I'm going to check a Sammie this weekend, as impractical as it's gonna be i think i'd rather be smiling while i'm driving :)


New member
They are a blast. Kinda like an under powered, street legal go cart.

Here are a couple that are in my club. Just because.

Are you buying one or just having a little fun?

Not sure yet, I need a project and learned to drive in a Sammie (well SJ410 in New Zealand) so have always wanted my own. Would love to get a trailer and make a slow moving expo build but wonder if it's just easier getting a Tacoma ? Gotta go drive the Zuk first and see if i fall in love again.


Slow moving expo... that's awesome. Pretty much where I'm heading with this project. I have a Chevy Tahoe for family adventures. So the Zuk is more of an escape pod. Good luck on your search!

This weekend is the Crawl 4 Christ at Disney Oklahoma ( My dad and I will be heading down there to have some light rock crawling fun and hang time with friends. I'll have plenty of pix of our adventures. Everything between now and then is just maintenance. No fun interesting pix or posts from that unless you really want to see how I change my oil. ;)


The weekend of wheeling was wonderful. I absolutely enjoyed putting around the rocks and trails of Disney in this little toy. Despite some of the issues that popped up. Fortunately nothing broke, but I came away from the weekend with a list of improvements that must be made.
Initially, doing something about the worn out springs and adding an anti-wrap bar for the rear.

20150702_195552 by Tim, on Flickr
IMG_0072 by Tim, on Flickr

Sadly, i didn't get that many pictures. I got these and a few more you can find on my flickr page. But I was driving all weekend, and Dad's camera broke half way though the second day. :p There's a few videos as well.



All during the trip I had to baby the zuk because of some bad spring wrap. The rear springs had developed an inverse arc. So I babies it through the trails and rocks of Disney, but still had fun. So today I threw a bandaid on it by adding an extra leaf to the rear spring packs. The difference in ride is night and day. No more drive line vibrations. .. for now.

I'm planning on doing a YJ spring swap in the long term.
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So after dragging this trailer around for far too long, it is past time to make some fenders for this beast.
20150718_084310 by Tim, on Flickr

20150718_093147 by Tim, on Flickr

20150718_103747 by Tim, on Flickr

Welded up and primed.
20150718_113722 by Tim, on Flickr

Paint is next and I'll be skinning it with aluminum tread plate which will likely be mounted underneath. Next i'll be extending the frame upwards and making it more into a box vs a flat bed. Relocating the lights and working on mounts for gas cans and such.

Like the Zuk. the mods list for the trailer is a continually growing and changing entity.


I love it when things come together, and they don't cost a thing other than sweat. In preparation for a trip this weekend. I put together a canoe rack for the trailer. A whole lot of function over form. And I came up with this. The cool thing is that most all of it is treated lumber and it didn't cost a thing. Even the hardware was recycled from other projects.

20150801_145936 by Tim, on Flickr

I might need a smaller canoe...
20150801_150647 by Tim, on Flickr

The gas can will not be staying where it's mounted. I was just trying different options
20150801_152113 by Tim, on Flickr

After a road trip with the fam to KC for some birthday shopping, I was able to work on the fenders a little more. 2 out of the 6 panels are cut and resting in place.

20150802_211414 by Tim, on Flickr

Once all are cut I need to do some touch up paint and then final mounting will be done. The aluminum is left over from this beast which got parted out several years ago.
IMG00167 by Tim, on Flickr
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