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Expedition Leader
Has anyone ever seen a ozone rotted or cracked hockey puck?

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Expedition Leader
Tire rubber & puck rubber are very different. Condoms rot fast outside to. :(

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Well, this thread just took a turn for the retarded...

I don't plan to spend much time upside down or on my side for that matter, so the pucks wont be exposed to a lot of UV, pucks are made of stronger rubber than the stock body mounts (also rubber) and thousands upon thousands of people have used them for body lifts for longer than I can remember. Really I don't even need a body lift, after some front bumper trimming I did this weekend, I do not have any rubs at all, even when completely 'flexed out' on terrain, however I would like the give it a tiny bump up.

You guys can justify over-spending on a simple body lift all you want and troll the internet for any reason you can find to be logical, but if i wrecked my car and someone was to scrutinize my body lift; regardless if it's from an aftermarket company or made of hockey pucks, i'd be up a creek. Regardless, if it ever came down to that, my claim would be that any modifications done to the vehicle were there when I got it. You'd be a fool to admit to modifying your vehicle beyond stock form when questioned by any insurance company or officer. Even my tires are illegal when you really get down to it...

I digress, you folks do what you want to do any I'll make fun of you for that, I'll do what I want to do and you're all free to make fun of me for it.


Expedition Leader
Seen pucks used alot....they all worked out great .:):beer:

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Don't worry sweetheart, you don't have to ride in my rig, nothing for you to lose sleep over.

Sometimes all I can do is shake my head at guys like you and laugh quietly to myself.


Mature, buddy. Really mature.


Expedition Leader
Well, I hoped we could keep this a simply civil discussion. Def not interested in a stupid name calling match. I can easily go to Pirate and get that.

I just wonder if a rubber puck is such a long lasting, reliable, & economical lift material option then wouldn't at least one lift manufacturers use them for their lift kits? Even as a marketing gimmick.

Well, I'm sure there aren't very many accidents caused by hockey puck lifts but I still don't think they're the best option especially when other options can be had so easily.



Mature, buddy. Really mature.

And calling me an ************ is so grown up. :coffee:

Well, I hoped we could keep this a simply civil discussion. Def not interested in a stupid name calling match. I can easily go to Pirate and get that.

I just wonder if a rubber puck is such a long lasting, reliable, & economical lift material option then wouldn't at least one lift manufacturers use them for their lift kits? Even as a marketing gimmick.

Well, I'm sure there aren't very many accidents caused by hockey puck lifts but I still don't think they're the best option especially when other options can be had so easily.

I too expect a more civil crowd here than pirate, I especially didn't expect to see any trolling going on. But that being said, we are still on the internet.

Rubber pucks do hold up, I've seen older jeeps lifted with pucks and beat to hell and back, then years later the jeep would be dented, rusted, falling apart and the pucks would still be in place. This isn't my first rodeo :D


Also, consider this; pucks only give you about an inch of body lift. I dont recall seeing less than two inches (except 1.5 occasionally) when looking at body lifts, my guess would be that most lift companies know the puck truck and assume people are going to just use pucks for a 1 inch kit.

Or not, i dont really shop for body lifts very often.


Expedition Leader
So no one knows what the proper "lifts" are made of?
From what I understand & have see they're are made using various materials like Aluminum and UHMW (Ultra High Molecular Weight plastic like what's found in chopping boards)

Also, consider this; pucks only give you about an inch of body lift. I dont recall seeing less than two inches (except 1.5 occasionally) when looking at body lifts, my guess would be that most lift companies know the puck truck and assume people are going to just use pucks for a 1 inch kit.

Or not, i dont really shop for body lifts very often.
Not sure about other vendors but will make them to whatever size you require. Last I recall there was no additional charge. If anything you are probably charged less for a smaller lift.

Oh, and yeah, IMHO his website isn't exactly the most appealing... unless you're an engineer. Yeah, he's an engineer.


From what I understand & have see they're are made using various materials like Aluminum and UHMW (Ultra High Molecular Weight plastic like what's found in chopping boards)

Not sure about other vendors but will make them to whatever size you require. Last I recall there was no additional charge. If anything you are probably charged less for a smaller lift.

Oh, and yeah, IMHO his website isn't exactly the most appealing... unless you're an engineer. Yeah, he's an engineer.

Funny you say that, when i first pulled his site up I looked at it crooked and thought 'what kind of nerd made this crap?' no offense to engineers, they're just a special breed... of nerds :D

While 4 crawler will make them any size you want, im talking about the general mass of lift manufactures and the popularity of a small, often seen as 'budget lift'.


Expedition Leader
Also, consider this; pucks only give you about an inch of body lift. I dont recall seeing less than two inches (except 1.5 occasionally) when looking at body lifts, my guess would be that most lift companies know the puck truck and assume people are going to just use pucks for a 1 inch kit.

Or not, i dont really shop for body lifts very often.

Yep. Reads like a 2 puck job to me. :D

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Can we get back to the part where you said 35s fit with just a front bumper trim? Do you have any pictures of the trimming and what kind of clearance is left when flexed?

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