New to the LR world and researching some answers...


New member
Good evening,

Due to some serious transmission problems with my JKUR, I'm looking at my options. I've been reading all over the forum at LR3/4 reviews and may have come across an LR4 that'll suit the bill. 1 owner 2011 LUX for sale as a trade in at a LR dealer. Price is reasonable and within kbb. All maint is recorded and was done at that dealer (anything I should look for specifically?).

I found the vin decoder. But, to really get a vin audit, it redirects to and want $10 (Credit Card). Just looking to verify the site is legit. I'd like to run the vin to determine all the packages and such.

Also, I've been scouring (as I didn't flag it before) looking for the "inspection checklist" site that people kept posting referring people to model differences, things to look for, etc. A link would be much appreciated.

If I pull the trigger, I'll make sure to post pics.

Alex M

I haven't used vinaudit, but if it's at the dealership they should be able to pull all info from the vin for you, especially looking to see if it has a locking rear differential.

Good luck with your purchase.


New member
Any Rover dealer can pull a build sheet (option/spec list) by vin. As far as rear locker (HD pkg) first look if it's a full size (same wheel and size) spare, next look under the truck for the solenoid/actuator on top of the differential. You can google search the image so you can get an idea of what it looks like.


New member
If it wasn't an HD, would it still have the green "unlock" over the rear diff on the screen display?


Just bear in mind that while, for some reason that is unclear to me, the locker is like the holy grail the reality is most people won't need it for their application-and I'd say almost all won't need it the vast majority of the time....

...and if you are one of the exceptions that proves the rule that is why there is an ARB option now.

Wheeling a 3/4 is a lot different than previous Rovers and definitely far cry from a Jeep. Give it a try, esp from the comfort of a LUX-it is addicting.


The traction control in the D3 and D4 make up for no rear locking diff. I didn't have one and it didn't bother me. Plus you can use normal gear oil on the diffs instead of having to use the expensive special stuff for the locking rear. Anecdotally I heard a while back that the HD models have thicker half shafts to account for the strain from locking up. Mileage may vary.

There is a thread somewhere about what to look for but honestly call a dealer and pay for a prepurchase inspection.

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