Nice Blazer Camper on Bring a trailer

Todd n Natalie

Wonder how close to six figures this one will get. Given recent activity of 70's/80's 4x4's, I'm guessing close. If not over...


Former Chalet owner
This is Chalet #0429, built in 7/76. I'm more of a pessimist on its ultimate price, so long as truly informed bidders are bidding on it at an auction site which leans more toward such buyers, compared to the uninformed kind of buying happening on ebay / Craigslist and a couple of the Mecum auctions with these over the last few years. Of the 7 or 8 I know of that sold between $20 and $35 grand, with the exception of #1424 which I have no prior history on, if each of the auction winners / buyers had checked in with me before the classic car dealers/flippers got to them, they could have gotten their rigs in identical condition for half as much money or less in each case. One of the funnier or more tragic ones is Chalet #1203 that sold on ebay for $20,450 with its literally glued down roof and totally non-original interior that the auction winner had no clue about, which was available just three months earlier in the same spit-shined condition for $6500. Even that was a bit much since the year earlier it was bopping around in Oregon among a few sellers between $2000 and $4500. So, basically, the assorted higher dollar sales lately has arguably inflated the values of these, and this newest seller based the extrapolation of his initial $59,900 / $69,900 Hemmings / ebay prices on essentially artificially values.

Chalet #0429 is one of the apparently best preserved originals I've seen, but if you go into the comments there a ways, I'd say my questions about the "Superior" used car lot dealer logo plate is not fully answered yet, relative to the claim that this was a 44-year, one owner rig kept by the Chevy dealership owner it was delivered to in 1976. Another commenter there seems to have concerns about the actual mileage figure, which might indicate a 100k rollover situation instead of low miles. On of the recent sellers of my former Chalet #1747 had that same problem where he may have simply assumed my old rig was only at 26k miles when I still have (which I let him know about) my official AZ title copies and other docs showing it at the then-correct mileage of 122k+ miles. Somebody else is currently my old rig in a Modesto CA Craigslist ad, btw. I've lost track of how many sellers it had after I let it go in 2010.


Former Chalet owner
Well, an argument could be made that we both called it, in a technical sense. My own private prediction was that the seemingly more skeptic buyers there (compared to ebay or the couple of Mecum auctions) would top out at $35 or $40 grand, since that's what the top end sales figures were lately for rigs that had sizeable restoration problems that the buyers were probably oblivious to. In this auction, if you go back down into the bids, the last of the three bidders topped out at $47,500, and from that point on it was between just two guys, both of whom appeared to be totally unaware of the initial $59,900 Hemmings / sellers' website price or the subsequent Buy-it-Now $69,900 ebay price. Essentially, the auction winner could have bought it at the first price and then set fire to a $65 grand stack of $100 bills to have exactly the same result he has today. The losing bidder, by the way, is the same guy who won the other BaT auction on Feb 25 for the allegedly 57 miles '75 Blazer at $112 grand.

Remember, this Chalet is said to be a Chevy dealership time capsule that never left the family ownership from 1976 to late last year. The thing that still concerns me about this rig is that the sellers never did provide an answer about whether a sales receipt exists showing what kind of work a New York state used car dealership did to the rig that warranted them gluing their lot's plate to the back of the camper unit, and they never did completely answer the request to provide a photo of the reverse side of the title. A title, for emphasis, with an undated sales transfer, and no official Michigan printout figure for the mileage when it was printed in 2009.

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