Nikon Capture NX?

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Are there any Nikon owners who use or have used this program? I'm looking for a good program for raw conversion and was wondering how it compares to say CS's camera raw.


I have been using the new Capture NX and all I can tell you it that it is awesome. It is all I use in all my post production processing. You can make almost any shot stunning in short order.

Try a free 30 day download from Nikon and you will be hooked!

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Thanks, I actually downloaded it the other day. Really nice program. I will never shoot in JPG again that's for sure. I love the control, being able to make adjustments to the camera settings after the pic is taken is great. I shot a few test shots, one set of pics in Raw and the other set in JPG. After simply making a few adjustments manually to things like the white ballance, tone comp, hue adjustment etc., I was able to make the RAW photos look much better then the ones that were shot in JPG where the camera decides some of those things.



I use NX, and for me is the best RAW converter for my nikon files (NEF)
I like the fact that I can apply global and local adjustment to my RAW files, plus I'm very impressed with the sharppening tool of NX.

Nikon has prepared a collection of 27 mini-tutorials on Capture NX, its RAW conversion and image editing application. A complete list of the tutorials, which are available in both HTML and PDF format, is here.

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Expedition Leader
How does Nikon Capture compare to Photoshop CS's Raw Converter?

I use PS CS2 and the included RAW converter tool. I use Nikon equipment, but have never used their software. Has anyone used both? I like the fact that PS gives you plenty of control; however, I still find the tool a bit slow having to fine tune each and every image.

How quick is Capture NX to use?




As a newsphotographer I don't really have the time to shoot everything in RAW. One of my assignments last week was covering our local rodeo. Just on that one assignment I fired off close to 700 frames. Can you imagen having to batch covert all of those frames? Besides, newsprint only has a resolution of around 144 dpi.

I have used an early version of Nikon Capture, both with my old Nikon D1's and current D2x and D2h cameras and they did a great job. In many cases the images looked better after being converted in Nikon's software then in Photoshop CS. The only problem was the older Nikon software was that it was VERY slow. I think Nikon has taken care of that problem with their new version of Capture.

To tell you the truth, I don't think you would be unhappy with any of the current RAW coverters on the market today. Apple has Aperture, Adobe has thier upcomming Lightroom and CS Raw coverter, Nikon has their Capture, Bibble has a raw converter for both Windows and Mac, Capture One Pro is another one.
It comes down to finding one you like...

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
My only complaint so far with the NX is that it uses a lot of RAM. I tried it out on my laptop which has only 512 MB of RAM it was slow as molasses. It was much better on my desktop which has 2 GB of RAM.


Expedition Leader
Sorry for the dumb question but here goes....what the heck is raw and if it isn't raw what is it? I know my D40 does raw but I don't get if I have to tell it to or if it does it on it's own.


7wt said:
Sorry for the dumb question but here goes....what the heck is raw and if it isn't raw what is it? I know my D40 does raw but I don't get if I have to tell it to or if it does it on it's own.

It's the format of how image is stored. If you are not shooting raw then it's store in JPEG format. For D40 you need to set it to shoot in raw format, I think it came set to shoot JPEG. Image store in raw format needs to be view in software that can read the particular format. For other without the software you need to convert the raw image to JPEG so others can see the pic.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
7wt said:
Sorry for the dumb question but here goes....what the heck is raw and if it isn't raw what is it? I know my D40 does raw but I don't get if I have to tell it to or if it does it on it's own.

On page 30/31 of your manual it should explain how to switch between quality modes. Here is a good link to give you an idea as to what the difference is between JPG and RAW.

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