Nikon D3 Tests - Why?

Michael Slade

Idiot looking for hits to his videos.

If he was a pro he wouldn't treat his gear like that.

If I found my students doing that to the school's equipment I'd have them kicked out of the program.

If I found my assistants treating my gear like that I'd take them to small claims court.

If I found myself treating my gear like that I'd give it away and start digging ditches.



Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Michael Slade said:
Idiot looking for hits to his videos.
Yup, but entertaining. I'd agree with all you said with the exception if he happens to have been given that D3 expressly as a publicity stunt.


Sometimes the only thing more impressive than large groups of idiots is a single idiot.

Still, it isn't entirely unlike independent testing. In the gun world we had had a few different individuals torture test SIG, HK, Glock, S&W, Ruger, Beretta, and many others. I'd expect real studio backing for an expensive camera, just like Top Gear does with their vehicles. That joker probably didn't have a tax write-off.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
bigreen505 said:
Perhaps, but does it blend? :hehe:
Now THAT would be cool to see. They put an iPhone, iPod, a video camera in the blender. Someone should suggest they try blending a D3.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Michael Slade said:
Oh it'll blend. Those videos are awesome!
You know, honestly, I wonder how it'll blend. I mean everything has it's breaking point, but that would actually be an interesting blend experiment. Those D3s are supposed to be super tough and I'd bet it would only tear off the rubber coating and break the LCD. I bet the camera would take it and still work. Man oh man, if only that wasn't a $5,000 experiment.

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