Nikon D40 vs. Nikon D40x


I bought one last summer to replace an old Minolta Maxxum film camera. It's my first digital and I love it. Easy to use in auto. Still learning about it. I bought a book titled "D40/D40X digital field guide" by David D. Busch that someone on here recommended. Great book. I'm looking forward to getting out and taking some photos if the weather ever gets nice.

Here is a review that I looked at when trying to decide what to get. There is a drop down at the top and 28 pages.

I bought it with an 18-55 lense and a 55-200 lense and for $50 more got the anti vibration version of the 55-200 lense.


Expedition Leader
From what I uderstand the 40X would be better for printing due to the higher pixel count. The 40 is suppose to have easier mapping of features. I have a 40 and I love it. Ken Rockwall reviews both and if I remember correctly he likes the 40 better due to it's ease of use. Either way, you can't go wrong but I'd pick the 40 again if given the choice and save the scratch for upgrade glass.

Michael Slade

7wt said:
From what I uderstand the 40X would be better for printing due to the higher pixel count. The 40 is suppose to have easier mapping of features. I have a 40 and I love it. Ken Rockwall reviews both and if I remember correctly he likes the 40 better due to it's ease of use. Either way, you can't go wrong but I'd pick the 40 again if given the choice and save the scratch for upgrade glass.

Perfect answer...except the Ken Rockwell part. :elkgrin:

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