Nikon Wide Angle?

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
I have been using a 24mm f2.0 Nikon wide angle lens with my Nikon film cameras for years and it is an awesome lens. Now that I have a D2x I am looking for a lens that can duplicate the performance of this lens.

Any help?


Expedition Leader
Mike S said:
I have been using a 24mm f2.0 Nikon wide angle lens with my Nikon film cameras for years and it is an awesome lens. Now that I have a D2x I am looking for a lens that can duplicate the performance of this lens.

Any help?

Mike, I really wish I could help you.

I've been in the same boat too for a while now. I have an F5 with the 20mm f/2.8 and really miss that combo. I still have it, but I like shooting digital.

The Nikon 12-24 will cost you a lot of coin and will leave you wanting more. It's not a great build quality and suffers from distortion, chromatic aberation, and ghosting. The Tokina does too. I haven't tried the Tamron or one of the Sigmas yet, but I suspect that they too will not live up to the prime lenses due to the severe wide angles and the fact that they're zooms.

This is the one area that most of the digital cameras have fallen short.

I too am interested if someone has some great suggestions. D3 comes to mind :)

I'm sorry I couldn't offer a quick fix.


Rob O

The recently introduced Nikkor AF-S 14-24 f/2.8G ED is being widely heralded as the best ultra wide angle on the market at any cost from any manufacturer. It's so good, many Canon FF users are employing Nikon-to-Canon mount converters just to shoot with this lens. And at around $1,500, it's a pretty good value too.

The 14-24 is reportedly sharp across the range, even wide open, and exhibits limited distortion at 14mm (which can easily be overcome with PTLens or similar in post). It's a tad slower than your 24 f/2 and I'm not sure which body (bodies) was (were) used in testing this lens, so can't say how performance is on the D2x, but it's worth checking out.

Rob O

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Thanks. I will take a look at that lens. The 24mm f2.0 is still in nikons line up, and has high resale. It would kill me to sell it to buy something unproven. No prime lenses available for Nikon digital cameras?

Rob O

Mike S said:
Thanks. I will take a look at that lens. The 24mm f2.0 is still in nikons line up, and has high resale. It would kill me to sell it to buy something unproven. No prime lenses available for Nikon digital cameras?

Why sell it then? It should perform just as well on your D2x as on your film bodies.

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Rob O said:
Why sell it then? It should perform just as well on your D2x as on your film bodies.

Yes, but it ends up being close to a 35mm on the digital body. I do like it on my F4 and F2A.

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Rob O said:
The recently introduced Nikkor AF-S 14-24 f/2.8G ED is being widely heralded as the best ultra wide angle on the market at any cost from any manufacturer.

Rob O

Well, after reading every review I could on this lens, the best descriptor and summary I came across is this...

"Prime Killer"

I think I'm going to go sell my soul now....:violent-smiley-031:

Rob O

Mike S said:
Yes, but it ends up being close to a 35mm on the digital body. I do like it on my F4 and F2A.

True. I think the 14-24 worth looking at; you won't get any wider without a fisheye and it covers the FOV over your current prime (presume you'd sell that).

Rob O

Lost Canadian said:
Well, after reading every review I could on this lens, the best descriptor and summary I came across is this...

"Prime Killer"

I think I'm going to go sell my soul now....:violent-smiley-031:

It's only money! :D

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
I almost pulled the trigger on the 14-24 but I stopped just short because of one review I read. The review said that this lens is so good that it actually out res's a DX format sensor, and the difference between it and the 12-24mm when used on a DX format sensor would not be that noticable. Reports are that in order to really see the prowess of this lens you have to use it on an FX format (D3).

Hopefully the growing rumors of a Nikon full frame 5D fighter come true soon, then maybe I'll pull the trigger on this lens.
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Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I am going to look for a prime AF lens that would work out to about 24mm on the D2x and be fast enough to use in most situations.


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