North America Overland: a trans continental trip in a Jeep Wrangler


Expedition Leader
" don't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a rig..."

Amen to that! Cash for gas and a positive attitude is all that's needed.

The OP wrote, "
We needed to do it in 3 segments each time we would leave the jeep in storage and fly back home. When we had time again we could fly out and retrieve the jeep and continue."

This is a practical solution to the problem of not having enough time/money to complete a long trip. I always feel sorry for the ExPo member who posts, "We have two weeks off so we're driving from Florida to Moab and back." So they lose 5 or 6 days out of their 14 day trip to white line fever.


New member
What a great writeup! I've been to El Golfo. Cool little town. El Capitan is the place to get tacos. You'll see a bunch of license plates from numerous USA states hanging on a line. There's also a drive-thru Thrifty's Ice Cream along the road.
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Wow that looks like an awesome trip! I love that you just put the Jeep in storage between legs of the trip and then pick it up and keep moving.

I only hope that whoever stole your first aid kit needed it for an emergency.

I can't wait to see more of your trip.


Great trip. I love going back roading, as well as off roading. Love travelling in my TJ. Can't wait for more.

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