Not a Unimog, but it is German...East German that is.


Day walker, Overland Certified OC0013
I am a big fan of the hatch, great for game viewing!

Really looking forward to reading more as you get going!:wings:


Yep, that's mine. The bed is from a M-923 that is going to be retired and turned into a hmmmmm workshop for an upcoming project.:) I spent the day working on putting on extensions so I have some head room. The big trick is going to be getting the bed off. I have a friend that owns a weld shop with a monsterous forklift so I am hoping to get it off that way. That photo above is my inspiration, not my truck. Priced the metal last night and started to budget. Worked on a master brake cylinder issue but really didn't find anything.

Here is a rough of the skeleton.ifamod1wireframe.jpg


Expedition Leader
For ideas and inspiration on building a really big camper on a really big truck, I would suggest you go to Rob Gray's web site and study the construction diaries for Wothahellizat Mk1 and Mk2.

He's pretty ingenious. Plus he learned a lot traveling in Wot1 for six years, which he has incorporated into Wot2. And he was kind enough to document it all for us.


I have been watching his website for about a year and he has some incredible info. That camper is cool. One of my favorite build ideas is his washing machine for his clothes and how it folds into the walls. I have definitely got some inspiration from him and his incredibly detailed build ideas. I also have taken a look at his window hinges and how the top opens up to sleep under the stars. He is one of the most ingenious and detailed oriented people I have seen put one of these together. Thanks for the tip!

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