Odd auto insurance experience


I've owned my 1984 FJ60 for the past 6 or so years, but over a year ago took it off my insurance (liability only) while I was working on it. During that time I replaced all of the brakes, did work on the engine, interior and spent some time (still am) taking care of some minor body rust. I did the work myself and bought the parts as I could afford to so I knew from the start it would be a lenghty process and the LC wouldn't leave the garage for at least a year, hence removing it from the policy.

Fastforward, to today. This weekend I reached the point to where the brakes were brand new and the engine is up and running good enough to hit the town. In Tennessee you gotta have insurance to drive it. So I call them up to add(re-add?) it to my policy and got the biggest run around. First they say I have to bring it by their office to get it inspected. Well, ok... never done that before but rules is rules... So I drive it on over and get questioned as to why I am adding it back to the policy, why I took it off, why I would want to drive it, asked at least 5 times if I was sure it has never been wrecked, asked IF I DROVE IT THERE, and then finally now this is the best part: asked where the brakes are.

After being asked all of that I helped the situation spiral down hill when asked if I drove there, I replied "no ma'am I peddled it." When she asked where the brakes were I replied "I sure hope somewhere near the wheels." She then proceeded to walk around the vehicle 3 times asking if there were any dents, to which I replied "not since the last lap." So, I made it through that with all of my dignity, but not much of my reasonability left. After the final "inspection" was complete she asked if I really wanted "to insure such a vehicle." I'm seriously considering switching insurance companies after that. I have my home, life and auto(4 vehicles) insurance through them and feel I could get better service elsewhere.

Have any of you experienced any hassles in trying to insure an older Land Cruiser? Now I will add that mine 90+/-% stock. Mostly Toyota parts used when available and in pretty good shape. Is anyone here in the auto insurance industry and able to shed a little light on the issues. I know nothing about their rules and regulations. Anywho I just wanted to vent and see if this is as odd as I made it out to be.

Here is the vehicle as it looks today:

I'm positive I want to insure it....


Expedition Leader
I think it might be best for all interested parties if I took that sweet Fj60 off your hands so you don't have to switch insurance companies or worry about getting hassled about "where the brakes are" anymore. :D

On a serious note, I would certainly entertain the thought of switching to a better company. I'm wondering if it's because of the vehicles age? Maybe your agent doesn't get a lot of 25 year old vehicles?


Sounds like you just ended up with a bone headed staff person. I'm pretty sure I know which company you are working with(one of the few who still actually inspect vehicles) and it is a solid company that will take good care of you in a claim situation. I would however try to find a different person to help me next time, perhaps the Agent who runs the office.


pskhaat said:
Is the Family who you took it to American?

Yep, oddly enough there were 2 FJ Cruisers in the parking lot. I didn't have any problem insuring it the first time nor did I have any issues insuring my 70 and 74 FJ40's there. This time it took almost an hour. Good times. It's a well known Tennessee company too. Oh well, I've called a guy I know with another big company to get an idea of their rates.

On a happy note, it is great to be driving the 60 again! Next weekend I'm taking it out to Land Between the Lakes for a little getaway.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
AmFam is a top-tier, I'd simply find another AmFam agent/agency.

edit/disclaimer: I have no experience with them on comprehensive/collision.


Expedition Leader
If you only drive it limited miles per year you may be able to get some clasic auto insurance that is comprehensive. I did that with my ol' VW. It was fully covered even in storage. I had to have two auto appraisals done on it.

edited to add: Nice 60 BTW


Once I had a problem with my FJ40 and had to save money for 6 months to take it to the Toyota dealer to diagnose the problem. It was something really stupid that I didn't notice, a cracked distributor cap (!). Anyway, I took it off insurance for 6 months, and when I went back to them to re-insure it, they said they couldn't do it because it had not been insured anywhere for 6 months. They said I should insure it with a 'lesser' company first, then come back when it had been insured with them a month or two so they could insure my vehicle. I laughed at the guy and told him then and there they were insane and I wouldn't give them a penny because they treat their customers like crap! That company was ALLSTATE, which I don't mind outing here either.

Second insurance company I had lots of problems with - GEICO.

They can both kiss my MMMMM.



Well, I did have a similar experience with AmFam, but blame it on the agent and incompetent staff, the unfortunate part is I had been with them for years, I had always had a great experience, including when my '88 FJ62 got hammered by what seemed to be an uninsured driver (They were able to find insurance that even the driver didn't know she had). Was always very happy, then they messed up my billing cycle, and I got cancelled (It was on automatic payment). Then the agent said it was my fault, and wouldn't return anymore of my calls. I switched insurance and I'm still fighting them on over $120 they claim I owe them.


Wiffleball Batter
You should have told them you keep the brakes in the glove compartment, that way they don't get dirty. :D


Haha. I thought of that. I'm sure (i hope) that she was asking which brake parts where replaced, but after being asked so many times if I really wanted to insure it I had had enough. I got a few quotes today and they're all within $20+/- of what I pay now per year. So for now I'll just hope it was only a knuckleheaded employee.

On another note, today I took it out on the interstate and opened it up. Well, opened it up to a whopping 65mph. It did just fine, I do need to tighten up the steering a little, but some new TRE's and other various tinkering and I should have that squared away as well. I've missed this thing so much it's not even funny! It's slow, but strong and I love driving it and never getting in a hurry. Kinda makes the deadlines of the day melt away. Now I really can't wait to take it out in a couple of weeks for a little outing and some photo-op's.


Once I had a problem with my FJ40 and had to save money for 6 months to take it to the Toyota dealer to diagnose the problem. It was something really stupid that I didn't notice, a cracked distributor cap (!). Anyway, I took it off insurance for 6 months, and when I went back to them to re-insure it, they said they couldn't do it because it had not been insured anywhere for 6 months. They said I should insure it with a 'lesser' company first, then come back when it had been insured with them a month or two so they could insure my vehicle. I laughed at the guy and told him then and there they were insane and I wouldn't give them a penny because they treat their customers like crap! That company was ALLSTATE, which I don't mind outing here either.

Second insurance company I had lots of problems with - GEICO.

They can both kiss my MMMMM.


I had a similar issue with State Farm. My parents have been customers with the same agent for 30+ years. When I lived in the bay area, I didn't own a car for about 8 months. When I purchased a new car, they told me since I didn't have insurance for 6 months, they couldn't take me back. I explained that I didn't own a car during that time, they didn't care. Was a very odd experience, now no one in my family uses them.


I had a similar issue with State Farm. My parents have been customers with the same agent for 30+ years. When I lived in the bay area, I didn't own a car for about 8 months. When I purchased a new car, they told me since I didn't have insurance for 6 months, they couldn't take me back. I explained that I didn't own a car during that time, they didn't care. Was a very odd experience, now no one in my family uses them.

That agent must have too many clients. My State Farm agent is very easy to work with and responsive, so much so that when I moved 300 miles away, I didn't look for a new one. When I bought my 60, all they asked for was some paperwork and photographs so they could verify the condition. :sombrero:


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
with the independents (Farmers, State Farm, etc) the agent matters a lot. I have had the best State Farm agent (Dan Barrett in SLC) who's also a cruiserhead. Stated value, full coverage and super reasonable. My buddy just got fully hosed by Farmers, they didn't cover any of his mods including the $3000 bumper the accident took out. He ended up scrambling to take everything else off before they took it away. The snorkel had to go with the truck... :( Definetly get stated value or a real clear policy that will cover mods etc otherwise you end up with $6000 for a car that books at $6000 that is worth $12,000.


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Farmers just added a customized equipment addendum limiting all custom equipment liability in a single event to a maximum of $1000. What!?!? I just called my agent, said that ain't gonna work - asked for a 10K endorsement. The cost increase was insignificant.

Posting this because without an addendum, the insurance industry CAN and WILL limit their exposure for aftermarket equipment. Can't say I blame them when I see a jacked to the sky F-150 rolling by on 40" swampers. $$$$$

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