Oh CRAP!!!! 1989 3.0L Overhaul fail.

Jay Ayala

Use straight 30w oil. Do the ring seating procedure. Whe you first take it out, as soon as it's warmed up, do 4-5 (ninimun) pulls in 1st gear to redline and back to idle and repeat. Full throttle pulls. This loads the rings and gets the best seal breakin.

WHOOO HOOO!!! Done!!! Engine was brought up to full operating temperature and ring seating procedure has been completed.

Now I gotta go put 10 miles on and change the engine oil and filter.



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Jay Ayala

Okay I put on my 10 miles after breaking in the engine. I also changed the oil immediately after those 10 miles. I drove around last night on surface roads and also took it out on the highway for a total of 30 additional miles on the new oil. I kept a close eye on the temperature and all other gauges. I'm trying to burn up the last of my gasoline from 2009. I'm at less than 1/8th a tank now with stabilizer in it.

What's next, fill it up with fresh gasoline and go to DEQ to see if I can pass the emissions test today. I really want to get my registration renewed. The last time I did that was in 2008 and the tags were good til 2010. Has anyone on this forum ever tried to get Smog tested this soon after an overhaul?



Nice rig. When i did my body lift, the gap betweet the bumper and the body drove my nuts. That pushed me to get the bumper done.


Well I mean with a freash rebuild and how much leway oregon has for pipe test emmisons, it should be no problem. Besides they don't charge if you don't pass.

Jay Ayala

Hmm... Blue Smoke. I got an automatic DEQ failure yesterday. I didn't even get a chance to pull into the testing bay. I was pulled aside and out of line by a very condescending DEQ employee. In it he pointed out that I had blue smoke emitting from my tail pipe. I hadn't even noticed it until I was idling in line for about 15 minutes. The engine runs clean when I'm on the highway and on the surface roads but when I got home from DEQ last night, I let it idle in the drive way for about 10 minutes and Yes, you can easily see blue smoke.

I did some research on the matter and everything I've read has me thinking that it is the valve seals and valve guides on these new cylinder heads. You know I bought these back in 2009 from clear water cylinder heads but I never removed them out of the packaging until January of 2014. I wouldn't have imagined that could cause bad seals and guides but now I'm not so sure.


Jay Ayala

The blue smoke has disappeared! That's interesting. I've put a little more than 75 miles on the Raider after the engine overhaul and suddenly out of nowhere the engine no longer has blue smoke after idling for 10 minutes or more. I think I can pass DEQ now. I'll be on a business trip this week and I'll try to take care of that this coming Thursday or Friday. I'll let you guys know what's up.


Jay Ayala

What's up my people?

****I just wanted to update this thread really quickly.
  • Blue Smoke Came Back.
  • Practiced Valve Stem Seal replacement on Spare Head.
  • Performed the Valve Stem Seal Rope trick.
  • Serviced my Lash Adjusters.
  • Passed DEQ emission tests.
  • Renewed my registration.
Let me briefly tell you how I accomplished all this. So I think that my previous "No Smoking" reply above in this thread was just a fluke. The day after posting about the blue smoke disappearing it came back. After having spoken with both fasteddy and BigBlue, I decided I needed to perform the Valve Stem Seal job after all. I ordered a specialized tool while I was on a business trip and when I came home I realized that performing this job was something I didn't want to mess up.

Thankfully, I had a spare cylinder head that I had not returned as a core yet. This way I could practice how to use this tool before I go and mess anything up on my installed engine. I spent about 2 hours carefully performing the job and documenting it with some photographs. Refer to this thread for details. 1989 V6 - Valve Seal Replacement - Cylinder Head Removed

Now that I had some practice, I decided it was time to perform the "rope trick". I had a couple of challenges and at the end of the job, for some reason, I couldn't turn on the engine again when it was all said and done. However, once I figured out what I did wrong, it was a simple matter of spending just a little more time setting the timing. Refer to these two threads for details: 1989 V6 - Valve Seal Replacement - Rope Trick & 1989 V6 - No Compression

Once I got all that figured out and finished, I got some amazing results. I was able to go to DEQ and pass the emissions test easily and get my registration renewed. I'm excited now to work on some other projects with the rig and put some mileage on it. I'm looking forward to getting together with some of you fellow forum members in the future for some off-road fun.

Overall, I'm really satisfied even through all the challenges. I only had one accident with all the repairs on this rig in the past couple of months so I'm chalking it up to a win. I got a black eye some how while performing the "rope trick". I don't actually know what happened.

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