One Tough XJ!

Explorer 1

Explorer 1
Lead a group on what we called our "CH" trip, that is Cleghorn Trail to Heartbreak Ridge which takes you through many of the great trail on the high back side of the San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California.

Jason, one of the guys who frequently comes along started having some balance issues on the first trail the Cleghorn:




This was a rather soft flop and after some fancy pulling work by Jeff he was on the trail again with only some minor damage to his front fender, hood and roof rack.

Later that same day when he came to Dishpan Springs trail he went too high on the trail and went all the way over.


Being wedged in the "V" notch of the trail required a bit more time and effort but we finally spun his XJ perpendicular to the trail where we could then turn it back over. We first had to add 4 quarts of oil and 1 gallon of ATF, then modify the new roof line so he could get back in.



On his own power he then finished the trail and drove out to where he could be flatbeded home.


One Tough XJ!

Explorer 1


Expedition Leader
Ummm, ****** was he doing to tip and then later roll? I see nothing in those pictures that is off-camber enough to warrant either result. Was he trying to look "cool" and take a high left or high right line to make himself get tipsy? I have no sympathy, it was avoidable. At least it was entertaining for the rest of you, although delaying.


Ummm, ****** was he doing to tip and then later roll? I see nothing in those pictures that is off-camber enough to warrant either result. Was he trying to look "cool" and take a high left or high right line to make himself get tipsy? I have no sympathy, it was avoidable. At least it was entertaining for the rest of you, although delaying.

that is highly disappointing. death of an XJ due to lack of driving skills

You've never been up Dishpan Springs..... I freaking hate that trail. I hear it's worse now than when this picture was taken.



We first had to add 4 quarts of oil and 1 gallon of ATF,

All I see is someone trying to look cool and spilling environmentally damaging fluids on the trail, just the type of thing the "Sierra Club eco snow cone pissers" loves to point out. I really did not see any obstacles worthy of suck a dramatic flop. Too bad suck a nice truck ended up in the hands of such a driver. You should remove the part of the post the talks about leaving contaminants on the trail. Just my .02

Explorer 1

Explorer 1
Wow, so many critics!

Perhaps a further explanation would help.

1. Of course driver error was involved. (when isn't it) While there are times that a greater portion of the "fault" might be place on a mechanical failure, usually someone is pushing something beyond what it was designed for.

2. In both of these rolls I would say it was more "driver in-experience" than some guy trying to prove something.

3. Pictures are deceiving, the attached video gives you a better idea of just how easily one could have rolled their vehicle on this part of the trail. Jason, the driver, made a bad choice for the line he took and once he realized it and tried to correct himself he only added to his problem.

4. On the second roll again, driver error or in-experience was involved. He was trying to avoid the large boulders on the left and climbed too high on the right side of the trail which was covered with loose sand. Once his momentum carried him up his vehicles slid sideways down and rolled over into the "V" notch. Again, the pictures don't do justice on the angle.

5. As for the enviroment, what leaked out on the ground was mostly ATF. one of the guys in the rear offered to clean it up and carry it home. It seems most of the crank case oil made it into the cylinder walls.

Hopefully the saying: "Experience is an expensive teacher but a thorough one" will apply and when Jason rides the trails again he'll be able to tell his story around the fire and not have to live it again!

Explorer 1


Expedition Leader
Usually if someone is unfamiliar they either have a spotter or someone who has experience lead so the followers can watch their line. Again, this was avoidable and I have no sympathy.


Resident **************
Yikes, why no spotters with a guy that is known to be inexperienced?

That guy backs up my theory that any wheeled vehicle's first mod should be a roll cage, you never know where disaster will strike...twice.

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