Oregon - Sardine Creek, Willamette NF


The Willamette NF has many wonderful places to explore. With the north part being a short drive from my Salem home; I visit it regularly. One new gem is Sardine Creek. If you enjoy flowing water and beautiful forest scenery Sardine Creek is a great place to visit.


Sardine Creek feeds into Big Cliff Reservoir about a 1/2 east of the dam. It is the first left after the dam off of Hwy 22 it is an unmarked turnoff. Access is via a non-maintained gravel road. The first few miles are easily driven in a vehicle with decent ground clearance and 2-WD. As the road continues it becomes steeper, has many water bars, loose rocks and water crossings. To reach the upper portions of Sardine Creek, we recommend a 4-WD vehicle.

For the first couple of miles the road is next to the creek. This makes a nice hike with countless photo opportunities. It is easy to spend a day hiking around the creek and take pictures in this section.



The road begins climbing above the creek. In this section there are some nice smaller falls on the creek, although they need notable bushwhacking to get there. As you drive, you hear the roar of the creek, have nice views across the canyon and depending on time of year; water cascading down here and there.



At about the 4 mile mark there is a junction, go left, continuing straight is an adventure for another day. The next section has bigger water bars, but they are easily crossed. About 1 1/2 miles past the junction you come to a creek crossing. The creek here is fun to explore only requiring mild bushwhacking with some good photo opportunities. Most of the year, the creek crossing is nothing to worry about. At times of high flows and snow it may not be advisable.


From here it is about one mile up canyon back to Sardine Creek. This section, although not difficult, requires 4WD. In the winter with snow and running water on the trail, proceed with caution or hike the last stretch.


Reaching Sardine creek is normally the end of the line. There is good bushwhacking hiking both up and down stream with many good photo opportunities.



If you venture across Sardine Creek, go ahead with caution. The last part of the crossing drops into a hole, the last time I was there it had added a boulder; making things interesting. We winched it out, but you never know what will wash down next.


At one time, the trail on the other side climbed to the top of the canyon and connected with 2111 – the road to Rocky Top. A washout happened several years back close to the top making the way impassable.



Whether for some hiking along the lower section or if you have a 4WD to explore up canyon, Sardine Creek is a great place to visit.



Thanks! Yes Oregon is a great place to live. If you like moving water, definitely worth adding to your list. Love my Sidekick, compact size and good mileage is very nice. Haven't tried to catch them, but have seen fish.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Wow, living in the desert makes my jaw drop to look at your pics and imagine driving along a creek like that.

Are there places to camp along the way or is it more of a day trip place?

So now I need a wall map so I can place pins in places like this to visit some day.
thanks for posting the adventure.


Thanks for sharing the pics. Lovely place. Do you have a problem, in the wet country, with the roof tent getting moldy.


Yes the east side of Oregon is high desert, very different looking. This area allows dispersed camping, but the canyon is pretty narrow with only a few good spots to camp. We normally continue straight at the junction and go to the top for better camping with sweeping views and wide open stargazing.

No mold problems, but I always air my tent and gear out after adventures, making sure everything is dry before putting it away.


Wow, the Canyon Weekly(local paper) just ran this story and the North Santiam Chamber of Commerce added it to their Recreation section. I've official been "published". I'm stoked!

Here is a nice Fall shoot of the reservoir which Sardine creek drains into.


New member
wow! what a beautiful looking spot love the photos. as soon as soon as i get my front driveshaft and tags on my new truck ill have to go explorer it. by the way this is my first post thanks for having me here at the forum.:victory:

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