Outfitting the Camper


Touch and go as to where this belongs but as it is on a MOG then here is as good as anywhere.

Just working on the outfitting of the camper and we are doing a few slightly unusual things from what I usually see so I thought that I would post them up for information.

The bed is a combination lounge / dining area for those rare occasions when we eat inside. We had this mattress / cushion setup in our previous camper and it suits us, so in it goes again. It evolved last time so I didn't notice the costs as much as an all in one buy this time. We use a mattress ventilation underlay (Wunderlich ACS10 in this case) under Dunlop Enduro custom foam cushions and covered by a double self inflating hiking mat (about 4cm) which is slipped inside a cover that is the bottom sheet. Conversion from bed to seats is just seconds and no problems with the comfort. Downside, about AUS $600. Seeing as we at about 0.9 with the US$, its a bit more of an investment than the basic foam camping mattress but well worth it from our experience.

Second innovation (for us this time) is using roller shutter doors on all the cupboards. Not something we have had before but it worked its way into the thought process and as a result the components arrive tomorrow, ready to be cut and assembled. You don't see much mention of it on the Portal but it may well be as common as #@*^% in the commercially built camper world.

If we come up with anything else in our fit out that doesn't seem usual fare, we'll add it to the list.


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