Outlaw Xpeditions Oregon Trail Off-Road Experience

Outlaw Xpeditions

One Lane Road - Episode 21: Conquer the Trail

As we slip through the tracks of the old Oregon Trail pioneers the miles pass by most of them unassuming insignificant and much like the ones before it but occasionally it decides to remind us why we set out on this journey in the first place. We decided a long time ago that daily life wasn't an excuse anymore and it was time to live the life we wanted. Part of that was to set a challenge for our team our sense of adventure and for ourselves but somewhere along the way we realized that there was no turning back either in our expedition or our path in life. In this episode we overcome a challenge that put the whole team to the test. We'd managed to sneak our way through Oregon and much of Idaho without much issue in terrain but what lacked in the previous miles was more then made up for in this day of adventure down the dusty Oregon Trail.

We're creeping up on our next giveaway as we continue our YouTube Recovery Giveaways. We'll be giving away a Spartan Kinetic Rope once we hit 3k subscribers so make sure you subscribe to our channel and comment "subscribed" in any of the video's for your chance at some sweet gear from Spartan Rope, ARB, Warn, Traction Jacks and more. And as alway the behind the scenes of our expedition with Campfire Stories with OX - Episode 18: Conquer the Trail.


Outlaw Xpeditions

J's Studio - Episode 2: Overland Navigation - Gaia GPS vs Motion X GPS

There's a ton of different resources for navigation. Everything from paper maps to digital devices and it's difficult to figure out what works best for overland travel. We never claim to be the deciding work on anything but we have spent a fair amount of time plotting and navigation Americas back country and this tutorial is not only a comparison between two applications but also an overview of what we do when navigation North Americas historical routes. There is a ton that goes into finding your way through remote destination so if we didn't address something you wanted to know about pleas ask and we always love hearing what others use for there own travels so don't be afraid to comment.


Outlaw Xpeditions

Life and travels have left our thread a little dormant but we happy to announce the newest addition to the OX Team Jason's new born son Jaxon!! As we raise the next generation of adventurers check out the next few episodes these are some of our favorites. As we traveled through Idaho and experienced the toughest terrain yet we were also humbled by the hospitality we found in the small towns we came across in our travels. The communities we stumble across in our wanderings across the oregon trail have always been the experiences that leave the fondest memories. We love the trail, are intrigued by the history we follow but the impact of the men and women we meet along the way is what keeps us forging on in our quest to live a life of exploration.


Outlaw Xpeditions

One Lane Road - Episode 25: Tough Trail & Tattered bridges

Some of the fondest memories I have of the expedition happened in Wyoming. From the views to the people and even the idea for the next expedition it was a state packed full of experiences. It was also the last of the mountain states we'd see along the Oregon Trail as the Midwest plains took over where the mountains once were. In this episode of One Lane Road we experience some of the most interesting trail as we traveled through the state traveled on the actual emigrant trail for as long as a span as we'd see on our journey and camped alongside what looked to be a landscape straight out of a science fiction movie.



I binge watched over the weekend, the 80 looks great. I liked these as it was less about shooting gear, and we got to hear from the rest of the team.


Scratching a 10 year Itch
Holy cow. I really enjoy this series - thank you guys! I liked the radio audio dubbed over the vid. Made the obstacle-crossing more fun; felt more immersed into the scene. Great work! At 8:20 on episode 21, Cauxby hits something and I actually jumped! Really neat to see the Ranger going-at it - I cut some of my off road teeth in a Ranger :)
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Expedition Leader
i loved the videos. i binge watched as well. cant remember his name, but im glad the fellow with the ranger finely started to follow spotter direction. ilmao i thought for sure he was going to break that truck a couple times. keep up the good work.


Welcome to Idaho guys! Specifically welcome to the Owyhees! If your not beat to hell, sun burned, dirty, muddy, bruised, and exhausted... you didn't do it right!

Outlaw Xpeditions

Holy cow. I really enjoy this series - thank you guys! I liked the radio audio dubbed over the vid. Made the obstacle-crossing more fun; felt more immersed into the scene. Great work! At 8:20 on episode 21, Cauxby hits something and I actually jumped! Really neat to see the Ranger going-at it - I cut some of my off road teeth in a Ranger :)

Good ol' Cauxby he definitely marches to the beat of his own drum. Thanks for the comments gotta love those unconventional overland builds!!

Outlaw Xpeditions

i loved the videos. i binge watched as well. cant remember his name, but im glad the fellow with the ranger finely started to follow spotter direction. ilmao i thought for sure he was going to break that truck a couple times. keep up the good work.

We figured driver passenger commands would be pretty simple but as it turns out the poor rocks got a bashing, but thats why were out here so we can further our driving abilities.

Outlaw Xpeditions

Welcome to Idaho guys! Specifically welcome to the Owyhees! If your not beat to hell, sun burned, dirty, muddy, bruised, and exhausted... you didn't do it right!

Love the Owyhees one of my favorite spots in Oregon's eastern deserts and we were definitely beat up lol

Outlaw Xpeditions

One Lane Road - Episode 26: Goodbyes & Fording History

Well we knew this day was coming but it doesn't make it any easier. It was time to say goodbye to one of our teammates and continue on as a 4 man unit for the remainder of our trek. Wyoming's terrain was all that we had imagined and the history that unfolded on this episode was second to none. We love the history we dig the outdoors but its the adventure of the journey that brought us down this long dusty trail and if you ever wondered what a journey like this entails, hard work, patients, the ability to adapt, and a crazy thirst for adventure that's only quenched by something out of the ordinary. Enjoy the next episode it the series!!!


Outlaw Xpeditions

One Lane Road - Episode 27: Running Down Pioneers

It's interesting as I sit here a little panicked because I totally forgot today was video release day I'm always excited when another episode. I'm a story teller at heart, we rarely get an audience in life to tell the stories that mean something to us. So this is my way of alleviating eating some genetic itch in me to tell the story of 5 friends who set out on a journey hundreds of thousands had already completed but not within the last 100 years. It becomes harder and harder to keep spirits up as the miles on the trail begin to take a toll on our patients. We momentarily get a break in company to add another wide eyed adventurer to our journey of dusty grinned travelers. The history we encountered was as unexpected and random as I'm sure many of the experiences of the Oregon Trail pioneers. The Mormons have a deep history tied to the Oregon Trail and as we bounced down the trail we nearly collided with a group of Mormon students. For every agument we had there were dozens of experiences that water down the negative aspects of extended off grid travel but the memories worked for are the ones most treasured. Enjoy episode 27


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