Overland XJs Unite!


Just picked this xj up. Only 127000 km (79000 miles) on it. New to over landing/ offloading but this site is super helpful so far.



just got this Saturday. traded my JK and got this little guy. (so everyone knows i'm new to xj's so i'm open to listen and learn everything about them)
Its a 2000 4x4.
np242 I think. (2wd 4hi 4 full time 4lo) Correct if wrong
d30 and c8.25
and with 197K miles. runs and drives great.


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New member
My xj

This is my xj. It's a 96 with about 260k on it. I have a custom built ( by me and a friend ) y arm set up. I am running re 4.5 coils and rc 4.5 leafs. I have done a sye using a stock xj front ds as the rear ds. Custom front and rear bumpers not finished yet. Need to add the spare tire carrier. It sits on 33x10.5xr15 tires. I plan on doing sliders and exo cage and roof rack. I have a 8.8 with disc brakes to put in it and going to add lockers. I had planned on building this for heavy crawling with Dana 60 front and rear but like the way it is and the ability to use as a expo rig.

Where's this picture of the MJ taken? Looks like an area of Nevada near me but could probably be anywhere.

this was taken about an hour south west of salt lake city.

another shot, now on 40's. its built to be a rockcrawler that also can be a reliable daily driver and an expo rig.
This little sleeper is my trusty '00 Diesel.
I don't like the: "Hey look at me, I can go anywhere!" style. - I like to be underrated. Since everybody starts to hate "non environmentally acceptable" vehicles it is better to keep a low line of sight.

"Paul" has a BB lift with HD towing rear leafs, of course a removable trailer hitch, and an ARB RD69 rear locker, a dual battery system with a battery monitor.
A 17.300 BTU engine coolant heater made by Webasto.
I have three sets of tires to be exchanged according the terrain and weather.
Additional I have a set of Melville & Moon Safari canvas seat covers to achieve a nice and comfortable ride during the summer months. I brought them back from a trip in South Africa.
I installed a heavy duty oil cooler with thermostat and a HD Griffin radiator to keep the engine temperatures in balance under high load. The engine has received some classic performance mods, like extruding hone, different injectors and a compound turbocharger, delivering 46% more power.
Paul can be a pain for every gas XJ.

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Thank you.
don't get me wrong- I really like to play in the dirt. But afterwards I like to have a clean Jeep.

You mean clean like this?
Yes, I do wax the engine bay- it's easier to clean afterwards.


I'm a maintenance engineer. I love clean engines. Easier to dectect problems and much nicer to work on them.
Interesting details are that the 2000 diesel Xj still has a HP Dana30, and the normally missing extension housing at the transfer case.

It might be easiest to buy a Diesel, to remove the engine,the harness and all necessary parts . Then put them on a euro shipping pallett and find its way to the new owner and his XJ.
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Just to clarify, by closed I think about a system that uses a pressure cap somewhere before the overflow tank (usually on the radiator ) and by open I mean a system that uses a pressure cap on the overflow tank - that also has air in it.
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That is a good question- never thought about it...
It does have the two-way-valve pressure cap mounted into the top of the coolant bottle instead of the radiator.
Opening pressure is the same: 15psi
The coolant bottle is pressurized at all times and coolant also flows through it at all times- the bottle functions as a coolant reserve.

Looks like an open style system, just a different set-up.


New member
here is my 94 XJ came with 4.0, aw4, np242, dana30 3:73, Chrysler 8.25 3:73

now its got a 4.5 Frankenstein home brew lift
33/12.5/15 dura track
15/8 Cragar Soft 8s
4.2 poor mans stroker
Durango steering box
CRok steering box brace
Dotson 280z hood vents
neon injectors
Bilstein 5100 shocks
rough country adjustable track bar
homemade swaybar discos
factory front skid
ZJ transfer case skid
ZJ gas tank skid
YJ front brake lines
Dakota rear brake line
rocky road LCA's
97+ Center console
portable nitrogen tank for onboard air
cobra 29 CB with $h!ty magnet antenna
and probably more i cant remember

and soon i well have a home built
rear bumper with swing out tire carrier
and front winch bumper to house my
Tabor 9K winch i got for free
4ft tunable fire stick
1ton steering

SORRY for the $h!ty pic

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