Ozark Trail "High Performance" cooler - any good?


The item numbers for the coolers are:

26qt: 49229405
52qt: 49229404
73qt: 49229408

Enter them into the Walmart app and search by store. It should tell you if they have any. I don't know how accurate it is.



Picked up a jumbo soft cooler tonight. Seems decent enough. Not sure it's big enough to take the place of my Whynter fridge, but would be fine for an overnighter.


Anyone in the Seattle area looking for a 73 qt? I've used mine once and don't see myself needing such a big cooler after I go dual battery and fridge.


New member
73's available right now. 7 left...

Out of stock already...12 minutes later. Dang, these things are in high demand.
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Park City Utah had 6x of the OT 52's as of thursday night. It works way better than our older cooler of similar capacity. Although it does sweat a bit around the plug in warm weather. The hose sized threads on the drain cap are not very tight tolerance wise, so dont bother cranking down on it. For 156.00 OTD im not complaining.
also worth noting, Camp Chef is selling the identical version. Saw them @ Kirkhams in SLC for approx. $250


Robert Bills

FYI - 26 Qt. Initial Review

I recently had my first opportunity to use my new Ozark Trail 26 qt. High Performance Cooler on a weekend offroading trip. Walmart advertises that the 26 qt. size should still have "some ice remaining" after 4 1/2 days. I decided to see if this is true.

I started pre-chilling the cooler Thursday evening with a 10 lb. block of ice.

I filled the cooler with food and beverages Friday morning, topped it off with a 7 lb. bag of cubed ice, then set off on my trip. There was minimal loss of ice at dinnertime Friday evening..

Saturday morning I was able to observe some loss of cubed ice, but significantly less than if I had been using my similarly sized Igloo marine cooler. The block ice had melted very little. At least 50% of the cubed ice remained at Saturday dinner. [I did not empty the water from the melted ice during the entire weekend on the theory that the ice would last longer in cold water than in chilled air.]

Sunday morning revealed further loss of cubed ice, but less than I expected. More than half of the block ice remained. Upon my return home Sunday evening I decided to keep the food in the cooler until it melted to see if Walmart's representations were correct. The cubed ice was melted by that time.

On Monday I opened the cooler at least three times during the day to retrieve food. I still had block ice Monday evening. (4 days after I began pre-chilling with the 10 lb. block of ice.)

On Tuesday morning, 4 1/2 days from the beginning of the test, I still had a piece of block ice about 3" x 3" x 10". There was still a sliver of block ice at lunchtime, but by Tuesday evening all the ice had melted. However, the water from the melted ice was still cold enough that the bottle of beer left in the cooler was perfect drinking temperature.

This cooler performed exactly as advertised.

Verdict: Winner, winner, chicken dinner.


SE Expedition Society
I used my 52 last weekend for 3 days in 90+ degree humid Georgia sunshine.
The ice lasted, the drain didn't leak. There was condensation on the drain though ----- the only place on the exterior.

I ordered two cases of black ice, btw. I've used this stuff for a few years and it should see me through everything but my annual 2-week boondoggle.
Ice-free living for the most part.

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