Oztent RV3 tent bag.


I love my Oztent, I can have that setup, my mattress inflated, sleeping bag in and everything ready to go in under 8 minutes (yes, I timed myself). It generally takes me longer to get the freaky tent back into the undersized bag.

Other that Drifta, does anyone make a replacement bag that is bigger?


I got the Drifta bag for my OZ3. You might try a private company like a sail maker depending on where you are.


I got the Drifta bag for my OZ3. You might try a private company like a sail maker depending on where you are.
I was going to suggest the same thing, someone that does a lot for marine people could easily make it. Maybe even a furniture upholstery shop could whip up a bag for you.


I’d definitely try local. I have the Drifta bag for my RV-1, and while its nicely made, it’s not any bigger than the OEM bag, which makes for a really snug fit, and more effort than needed to get the dang tent into the bag. An extra inch or two in all dimensions would have really made me love this bag.

Go local, and get it made exactly how you want it!
I had two RV4s. I always found it easiest to roll up the tent, place the bag overtop (open zipper facing down), then flip the entire thing over and zip it up. Never struggled.
This is what we do. Then kind of mush the tent with my knees as I zip it up.
Even 2 weeks ago in ~18° weather it didn't give me any trouble.


I've often wondered for things like this (anything where the manufacturers bag was designed by sadists to only be used by people with advanced engineering degrees to get stuff back in the bag after its first use) if I could make my own with cordura fabric, a big zipper and gorilla glue or something similar. Then I could design it exactly like I want, maybe an extra pocket or two for extra ropes, stakes or whatever. I've never done it but it seems like it would be something that could be done.


Kapitis Indagatoris
Shoot me an e-mail at adventuretoolcompany.com and we can talk about making you a custom tent bag. Due to current demand and workload our custom queue is several months long, so I'm sorry if you need it sooner but, I'd love to help. Cheers.

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