Photographer threatened and "held" in a scene out of Top Gear


Expedition Leader


Phone calls, emails and Facebook messages were sent to us here, at WVVA by parents concerned for their children's safety.

People reported seeing a man and woman traveling through McDowell County this week, snapping photographs as they drove through each town. And those people wanted to know why.

"I received a call that there was a suspicious vehicle, a light brown Volvo station wagon, Massachusetts plate, and there was a male and female in the Raysal area taking pictures of some children," says Chief Deputy, Roger Deel.

Jennifer Adkins, the mother of three kids, and a resident of Raysal, is the one who contacted Chief Deputy Deel. She also confronted the photographers, with a group of others.

Audio recording captured the encounter.You hear a McDowell resident say, "And there are no pictures of any children on there?”

“No. And you can check it, not of your kids. I can show you. ************************. We didn't stop and approach like, yeah; you guys are making us out to be like crazy pedophiles. You guys are making us out to be people that we are not,” says Marisha and Jesse Camp “Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? You all don't look like upstanding citizens," says Jennifer Adkins.

Adkins says she did it as a concerned parent, stating, "The way they are approaching it is discouraging. Their appearance is not of a documentary part. They were only asking adults that we seen, but our kids were photographed without consent."

A statement that Jesse and Marisha Camp say is far from the truth. Jesse says, "How dare she accuse me of having malicious intent. How dare this woman accuse me of wanting to hurt children? I mean is she out of her freaking mind?"

More of the audio recording reveals a McDowell resident saying, "Y'all get in whatever the (expletive) you're riding." While Adkins says, “No they're not leaving until I see a camera and the pictures on there.”

Marisha responds by saying, “We're not taking pictures of kids.” Followed by a man saying, “The man says you're not leaving, you're not leaving."

The brother and sister duo says McDowell County is just one of their many stops on a nationwide trip. Marisha is a portrait photographer working on a documentary."

Jesse says, "We were working on an online show where we go to different parts of the country that interests us."

"We were in this area because we genuinely love this area and these people and we were only trying to do well," says Marisha.

In the recording, you can hear Marisha clicking through her photos. "Here's a lady at the church,” she says.

A man says, “There's just too much going on with kids getting hurt and Y'all might be cool, I'm not saying you're not.” “And this is back at the church," she finishes.

The Camps say a WV State Trooper did arrive and escorted them away from the scene. They are no longer in West Virginia and are now finishing up their nationwide tour.


Expedition Leader
As someone who takes photographs everyday, this is an interesting story... wonder what they did that led to confrontation/ that looked odd to the "attackers" - not saying they did anything wrong, but after 25 years as a newspaper photographer, it makes me wonder....


It's difficult to say, not having been there but I've had people look at me strangely for just shooting photos of old buildings in town. It's like I had 3 heads or something. I dont know what gear they were shooting with but if it was a large DSLR it may have well been an m16. People are just weirded out these days and if it was a small town it would seem more weird when "outsiders" are shooting photos.


Tail-End Charlie
Hippy looking artist types, grubby from the road, out of state plates, taking pictures. In other words - tourists.

In other, other words - "Nut frum round heeyah."


Phone calls, emails and Facebook messages were sent to us here, at WVVA by parents concerned for their children's safety.

People reported seeing a man and woman traveling through McDowell County this week, snapping photographs as they drove through each town. And those people wanted to know why.

Bull crap. If the news station had actually been getting reports from all over the county for a week, they'd have certainly called the cops wouldn't they? Typical sensationalist lies.

'"I received a call that there was a suspicious vehicle, a light brown Volvo station wagon, Massachusetts plate, and there was a male and female in the Raysal area taking pictures of some children," says Chief Deputy, Roger Deel.

Jennifer Adkins, the mother of three kids, and a resident of Raysal, is the one who contacted Chief Deputy Deel. She also confronted the photographers, with a group of others."

And there's the whole story in a nutshell - local cop gets a call, from a woman who is probably known for being a PITA, doesn't bother to send anyone to respond to the call, and so the PITA woman and her husband corral and detain the two TOURISTS.

Surrounded and bullied. Detained against their will. Threatened by one one brain-dead dickhead who thinks he's Mr. Toughguy Enforcer - "You don't live around here...," "Man says you're not leaving, you're not leaving'. Same fool suggests destroying their gear.

Terrified. That means terrorized. The wannabe lynch mob that did it are terrorists. Domestic terrorists.

Personally, I hope the hippies sue the ******** out of the terrorists, since they won't get justice any other way.


Tail-End Charlie
AND according to the victim:

'Convinced that we had taken photographs of their teenaged sons, this couple had tracked us down and they were not leaving without our camera. I refused to hand it over. At this point, the woman opened the door of the minivan, pointed to a backseat, said that she had her gun right there, and we were not leaving until the police arrived.'

So we can add attempted armed robbery to the terrorism charges. The terrorist Jennifer Adkins wanted the camera and threatened the use of a gun to get it.


I live here in WV and McDowell County is a close nit community where everyone knows everyone, and not saying that the photographers were doing anything wrong in their eyes but, im guessing they don't get too many tourists up in McDowell snapping photo's which is probably why they were harassed. None the less this is why WV gets a bad rep! People can't even come here and check out the scenery with the threat or...atleast thought of "wrong turn" or "deliverance" lol. Not all rural places are like this here. Most of them are good ol country folk who would probably get in your shot and love to have their picture taken and better, hold the camera for you so you could get in the pucture. But you would never hear about that, and news is news "man bites dog" stories.


Hippy looking artist types, grubby from the road, out of state plates, taking pictures. In other words - tourists.

In other, other words - "Nut frum round heeyah."


Phone calls, emails and Facebook messages were sent to us here, at WVVA by parents concerned for their children's safety.

People reported seeing a man and woman traveling through McDowell County this week, snapping photographs as they drove through each town. And those people wanted to know why.

Bull crap. If the news station had actually been getting reports from all over the county for a week, they'd have certainly called the cops wouldn't they? Typical sensationalist lies.

'"I received a call that there was a suspicious vehicle, a light brown Volvo station wagon, Massachusetts plate, and there was a male and female in the Raysal area taking pictures of some children," says Chief Deputy, Roger Deel.

Jennifer Adkins, the mother of three kids, and a resident of Raysal, is the one who contacted Chief Deputy Deel. She also confronted the photographers, with a group of others."

And there's the whole story in a nutshell - local cop gets a call, from a woman who is probably known for being a PITA, doesn't bother to send anyone to respond to the call, and so the PITA woman and her husband corral and detain the two TOURISTS.

Surrounded and bullied. Detained against their will. Threatened by one one brain-dead dickhead who thinks he's Mr. Toughguy Enforcer - "You don't live around here...," "Man says you're not leaving, you're not leaving'. Same fool suggests destroying their gear.

Terrified. That means terrorized. The wannabe lynch mob that did it are terrorists. Domestic terrorists.

Personally, I hope the hippies sue the ******** out of the terrorists, since they won't get justice any other way.
Oh and I totally agree! I hope the photographers sue the shmidt out of them as well. No one should ever be or feel threatened for taking a photo...well unless you are taking photos of kids for child porn...but I highley doubt thats the case in this situation. I think the police should apprehend the people who harassed the photographers and press charges. But like I said its a close nit community and the sheriff will probably tell ol Billy and Charlene to go home and cool off, and tell the hippy toting expressionists to get the hell out of McDowell County. The world is a messed up place!


Expedition Leader
Just something to think about when we travel. I almost always try to make eye contact at least with a subject and always see if a child's parent is visible before photographing children... imagine how you would react if your child came home and said a man was taking their picture at the swimming hole....


Just something to think about when we travel. I almost always try to make eye contact at least with a subject and always see if a child's parent is visible before photographing children... imagine how you would react if your child came home and said a man was taking their picture at the swimming hole....
As a parent I can agree with not wanting my child filmed for publication without my consent.

While on vacation if we experience any situation where our kids is in someones picture we kindly ask our children to come to us and apologize for them being in the way.

Having graduated with a bachelors in communications and having studied film/tv/news/radio and now working in radio I know all about getting releases...especially if minors are involved in the filming/photograghing/ interviewing for publication. I'm also very aware of the difference between shooting scenery and getting a couple shots where kids or people are in it vs profile portaits and someone very distinctly taking your picture. Theres often some cases where your filming and kids just wont get out of your shot, i would also hope that they are aware of minor release forms so they wouldn't get into any trouble.

Point being, They were harassed and held against their will by angry parents who assumed they were photographing children when they were not...

Tyrant 66

Hippy looking artist types, grubby from the road, out of state plates, taking pictures. In other words - tourists.

In other, other words - "Nut frum round heeyah."


Phone calls, emails and Facebook messages were sent to us here, at WVVA by parents concerned for their children's safety.

People reported seeing a man and woman traveling through McDowell County this week, snapping photographs as they drove through each town. And those people wanted to know why.

Bull crap. If the news station had actually been getting reports from all over the county for a week, they'd have certainly called the cops wouldn't they? Typical sensationalist lies.

'"I received a call that there was a suspicious vehicle, a light brown Volvo station wagon, Massachusetts plate, and there was a male and female in the Raysal area taking pictures of some children," says Chief Deputy, Roger Deel.

Jennifer Adkins, the mother of three kids, and a resident of Raysal, is the one who contacted Chief Deputy Deel. She also confronted the photographers, with a group of others."

And there's the whole story in a nutshell - local cop gets a call, from a woman who is probably known for being a PITA, doesn't bother to send anyone to respond to the call, and so the PITA woman and her husband corral and detain the two TOURISTS.

Surrounded and bullied. Detained against their will. Threatened by one one brain-dead dickhead who thinks he's Mr. Toughguy Enforcer - "You don't live around here...," "Man says you're not leaving, you're not leaving'. Same fool suggests destroying their gear.

Terrified. That means terrorized. The wannabe lynch mob that did it are terrorists. Domestic terrorists.

Personally, I hope the hippies sue the ******** out of the terrorists, since they won't get justice any other way.

This is the results of propaganda, home to roost

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Expedition Leader
It doesn't sound like they were very diplomatic about it. A "hey you rednecks get outta my way" isn't a very helpful attitude.


Bottom line if the kids are in a public place they can be photographed without consent. There is no expectation of privacy. If the photog was on public property shooting images of what was visible then

If these folks are doing something in a commercial manner they might very well of needed a permit. Tourists - no need.

Now being courteous to peoples feelings might be the good thing to do it's not a requirement. restricting movement of US citizens because you feel like it is certainly not allowed. The potential ignorance of the concerned parents doesn't justify it. Did they see a crime? They wouldn't know if they did.



Bottom line if the kids are in a public place they can be photographed without consent. There is no expectation of privacy. If the photog was on public property shooting images of what was visible then

If these folks are doing something in a commercial manner they might very well of needed a permit. Tourists - no need.

Now being courteous to peoples feelings might be the good thing to do it's not a requirement. restricting movement of US citizens because you feel like it is certainly not allowed. The potential ignorance of the concerned parents doesn't justify it. Did they see a crime? They wouldn't know if they did.



I do a lot of candid and street photography, and young kids are some of my favorite subjects. They're very expressive and very real. That's why they're fun to get photos of.

If they're in a public place, then it's legal. Falls under the 1st amendment. I've had people give me sideways looks or confront me after seeing me take their picture or their children's picture. I just smile and be courteous. If they ask to see the photos, I will show them, and more often than not offer to send them the file when I'm done. This usually works. If someone asks me to delete a shot or to hand over the camera, and this has happened, I am well within my rights to say no. They can threaten all they want or call the cops. That's fine with me, I'm not doing anything wrong. If they want to hold me there, then I'll continue to be polite and wait for the cop to show up to explain to these belligerent people that I'm not doing anything wrong.

This particular incident was badly handled on both sides. The residents way overreacted and jumped to being threatening. "I have a gun in my van." Seriously guys? They took some pictures in a public space, it's not like they were groping the kids. Calm the hell down.

The tourists lost their heads and started being overly defensive, to the point of throwing out insults. That is the worst possible thing to do, not just for photographers but for anyone traveling through an unfamiliar place. Calling these people crazy might be somewhat accurate, but it's not going to help the situation at all. Smile. Be nice. Don't act like a jerk.

Sheesh, people need to calm down.
If they're in a public place, then it's legal. Falls under the 1st amendment.

May not be true for long in Arkansas. A law was passed in Arkansas, now awaiting the governor's signature, that makes it a crime to photograph anyone who can be recognized and that is displayed in Arkansas. That would include the internet, television, or a publication that is available in Arkansas. I just got an urgent message from ASMP about this.

However, if this ever happens to you, remain calm, be polite, and ask the people confronting you if you are free to go. If they say no, they have kidnapped you and can face kidnapping charges. It helps to have an audio recording. When the police arrive, tell them you've been held against your will and you want to press charges. No one on public property can demand to see your images, nor can they require you to delete any images. You should always say you'll let the police decide. These are probably the same people who steal copyrighted images from your website and pirate DVDs.

Dear David,
I am writing to alert you about an important issue that could affect all photographers.
On March 24, the Arkansas Senate passed SB-79, “To Enact the Personal Rights Protection Act: and to Protect the Property Rights of an Individual to the Use of the Individual’s Name, Voice, Signature, and Likeness.” This bill expands the individual’s Right of Publicity to an unprecedented extreme.
SB-79 would require still and motion photographers to get explicit written consent to include any individual’s likeness — not just celebrities but anyone — in a photograph that is used for virtually any purpose within the state of Arkansas except those uses specifically exempted as Fair Use within the bill.
The implications of this bill are staggering. For example, an image showing recognizable people posted to the internet for a use that would not require written consent anywhere else in the world could leave you open to a lawsuit just because someone in Arkansas could view it online.
SB-79 places an unprecedented burden on all photographers whose work could be viewed within the state of Arkansas to either get explicit consent from every individual whose likeness appears in all of their photographs or risk defending themselves in a lawsuit where they will have to shoulder the burden of proving the use of their photographs qualifies as an exempted use.
The ASMP is joining MPAA, DMLA and other associations in a grass roots effort asking Governor Hutchinson to veto this bill so new language that finds a more balanced compromise between an individual’s rights, the needs of creators and the public’s best interests can be drafted.
To read the full language of the Bill, visit:
If you agree this bill must be stopped, please follow the guidelines below to send personalized messages to Governor Hutchinson and his Chief of Staff. Please also help us spread the word by sharing this message with any photographers you know.
The bill must be vetoed by Tuesday, March 31 or the law will stand. Please make your voice heard today!
Thank you for your support,
Tom Kennedy
ASMP Executive Director

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