Picking the collective's brain - ABS controller problems


So, I have a 1997 E350 ambo, 7.3. Cruise control not working (which is of great annoyance), Mech traces it to the ABS controller - not an uncommon problem, apparently. Dealer sez not available, couldn't find anything online new or used, the re-manufactures don't have anything in stock that I found, and the cheapest I saw was like $450 to send off the controller for diagnosis and possible repair after that.

This number seems to be for dually diesel 4-wheel abs units, '97,'98,'99.

Pictures below of the current unit and the number, anyone here have some insights into sourcing a new/used/refurbished unit? How exact do the numbers need to be? I saw one on ebay that had a different letter designation for just the last two, and said it was for E150s - Would that difference matter if the mechanic has to reflash the unit anyway?


not sure if they have it, but i have used MODULE MASTERS in idaho hundreds, yes hundreds of times to rebuild/repair abs control modules.

i used to run a land rover/jaguar shop, and they were $1500 at the dealer, and module masters used to fix em for like $130, could have gone up some, I've been out of the late model car game since '11.


The first and last bits are easy to figure out. Ford engineering numbers date code the part to the last revision. Which means the part was last revised that year, but if no changes it could be used for several more years. In the Mustang world you will see "E7 heads" refered to a lot. E is decade (A=40's, B=50's, C=60's, D=70's, E=80's, F=90's) and the number the year. So E7 heads on a mustang were last retooled in '87 but were used for the next 6 or 8 years with the same number. You F7 ABS controller was last revised in '97 and maybe for the next couple of years. This works on so many parts. The last four digits, It is for an E350 Diesel. The stuff in the middle, some of that is an engineering reference to what department did the engineering for it. And some of it is trim specific.

Going to a rebuilder (skipping the retail middleman) is probably your best solution. Bad part is you will be without brakes and Immobile during the repair.

Also, you have a 1-1/4" bore master cylinder just in case you ever wanted to know that.


Have you tried bypassing the master cylinder switch to see if your cruise control will work? You basically just run a jumper on the harness. I ran my van like that for at least 6 months before replacing the switch.

I had to replace my ABS module last year and it was about $1000 for a new unit. My problem didn't have anything to do with CC though and my CC still worked with my failed ABS unit. My brake pedal would go to the floor at a stop so I would have to keep pumping them to keep brake pressure.


Expedition Leader
I'm interested in seeing what others have to chip in. I've also got a '97 Diesel E350 with non-working Cruise control.

I recently got a new free CC master cylinder switch courtesy of a Ford recall on all of them in our era. New switch made no difference. Next on the list is the 'clock spring' in the steering column. As a test, I may see if I can turn on CC if I hook up my spare steering column.

FYI: a 2001 master with 1 5/16" bore will bolt in if you also replace the vacuum booster at the same time. I had to make custom lines to connect the master to the ABS controller because the '01 & '97 masters have the small and large fittings in opposite places from each other. Seems to have better brakes for less effort... downside is at low engine RPMs the engine driven vacuum pump seems to struggle to keep enough vacuum when repeatedly pressing the brakes while parking/backing at low speeds. (But that's a topic for a new thread. Likely need an electric pump as the '01s had &/or a reservoir.)


This may not be relevant, but my abs light is on, and my cruise works just fine. Are you sure the module is the issue?

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