Pictures - Starting my 5x8 Cargo Camper Conversion


Bed looks good. I see you didn't post your George Costanza picture this time :squint:

Lol! Fancy seeing you here. I just don't have that type of relationship with the Expedition Portal Forum! I just realized you're in both forums.. even though I had seen your name, I didn't realize I'd seen it on both lol.
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is wandering
Haha yeah I'm everywhere these days.

BTW, I'm stealing your trailer's nose design. I like the cupholders and shelf, a great idea to round out that odd shaped area anyhow.

Which way are you laying in yours, head towards the nose or galley? I think you might want to reconsider your outlet placement. If you plan to plugs phones/etc in there at night, those plugs protruding from the outlet there might get beat up/bent/broken with either your feet or pillows.


Which way are you laying in yours, head towards the nose or galley? I think you might want to reconsider your outlet placement. If you plan to plugs phones/etc in there at night, those plugs protruding from the outlet there might get beat up/bent/broken with either your feet or pillows.

Head will be towards the nose. Yeah the outlet placement could get in the way if we want to plug stuff in.. but we wont use the outlet often. We have 2 12 v outlets tucked inside the cubbies that we will use to charge our phones. Hopefully it's not an issue because it would be a nightmare to take that thing out now lol. Rebuilding that front unit would suck. Not even sure I have enough acrovyn for it


To make a long story short, I switched from 315/75 tires to 285/75. I had some rubbing on the rear of the fender. When I designed the fenders, I didn't account for the fact that the wheel moves in an arc, it moves backwards as it compresses. So it rubs the back edge of the fender. I didn't want to modify my beautiful fenders (which are welded to the frame) so I downsized the tire. Here it is with the new tires.


I took it for a bumpy ride and got no rub on the fenders. Phew. I even took it on the freeway today. The outside is near completion, here's some "glamour" shots from this evening.



If you are so inclined and you wish to understand the full depth of my suffering, you can watch this video where I lament my poor decision making and make it clear I don't know a hub centric rim from a lug centric rim. I learned a lot in the past few days from jmanscotch and other users, mostly over in the tacomaworld forums. This video was taken before I acquired my new BFG tires


have you thought of a way to keep the mattress on the frame during bumpy/ off camber driving? even if its just a short nylon strap with a buckle at each end of the mattress

I plan to put a 1x4 on the front lip to keep it from sliding off. Just haven't added it yet. Hopefully that's enough


BTW: Nice explanation and diagram on your sliding bed design. You went to a lot of effort to post that. thanks!


New member
Interesting build. I apologize if you’ve already listed this...I haven’t found it. What is the total outside height of the trailer? I think you’ve estimated it at 88”, but did you get a chance to measure? Thanks!

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Interesting build. I apologize if you’ve already listed this...I haven’t found it. What is the total outside height of the trailer? I think you’ve estimated it at 88”, but did you get a chance to measure? Thanks!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I haven't measured it. I keep forgetting. Hopefully I will remember today.

Trailer is almost done





Haven't checked your progress in a long while. Great update - really like your build!

Thx for the vids - if a picture's worth 1000 words, a video's worth 1000 pictures ?.

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