"Portable" pull-out kitchen or chuck box for back of trailer?

Hi All - I'm trying to lock on how I should build my kitchen setup in the rear of my bear trailgater. I want to be able to easily detach it from trailer and set it up outside the trailer for those non-trailer camp trips. An ideal design to me would be either a pull out style that could be setup and used easily either leveraging the fold-down tailgate or not, yet be easily able to detach from the trailer and setup like a standard chuckbox or like a trail kitchen setup with the attachable legs, etc.

I use this stove (without legs) as its a beast and I can fry a turkey on it or flip the wind screen down and put a discada plow disc or wok on it for mega meals. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000FFVPQ...t=&hvlocphy=9031179&hvtargid=pla-307322447948

Given the trailer is 48" wide inside, theres plenty room to have a wide design, but only 18" tall. I was checking out the robertson enterprises kitchen box setup which looks pretty nice, but i cant find any measurements or specs on them. Any thoughts or ideas would be great.



Well-known member
I'm working on a drawer kitchen for the back of my truck, works on the tailgate or pulls-out to stand on a folding sawhorse.
18" tall is a lot of room! 9" is what I have, 19" wide, 54" long My top is a work surface and the sides fold down to access pots, dishes, spices & paper towels.
Stove is on drawer slides at the end, a single drawer holds cooking utensils above it. Nearly everything is accessible from one side, like your home kitchen-
Good 1/2" ply seems to work for the body, 1/4" for the interior partitions.
I didn't bother with fancy slides for the box, works fine sliding on it's bottom.
Looking at what you want to bring and how to fit it all together seems the better way to start. I chose to have my stove on its' own slide, the rest of the design followed.
Have fun & remember that things might change once you get to use it, I put everything together with screws first...


I use one of these...it fits all my cooking gear (7 peoples worth) for both stove and campfire (cast iron)..gloves, plates and cups, dry food, spices, utensiles, cleaning stuff and much more like lights and misc...

It is a little heavy sometimes..but doubles as a seat or table for the kiddos..

and it latches so animals cannot get into it..with the gasketed lid it can also be left out in the weather without damaging the contents!!!

and its GOT WHEELS!!!


Rendezvous Conspirator
This is my ever-evolving chuckbox solution:

It's a cheapo ATV toolbox turned on its side, measuring ~30"x13"x10". I've mounted some dividers using angle-aluminum and hardboard. Like you, I want to be able to move it around. I've made a removable stand for it by cutting down a Harbor Freight folding sawhorse, but that's pretty heavy. Lately I've been using it on top of a Coleman camp kitchen (or on a picnic table in the rare times when we're in a campground). I've also rigged some hooks so I can set it on the rear bumper:


Having the flexibility to move it around is really nice. The side-burner stores inside. I like to cook big meals and doing so means being well organized and having easy access to all my kit, so I did away with the rubbermaid tubs a long time ago. The two wooden "drawers" on the left are Ikea magazine holders, cut short. I made the larger wood box on the right to fit my coffee/tea kit exactly (Aeropress, two mugs, tin of ground coffee, the tools, and a tin of teabags).
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I often camp in bear country so a portable kitchen setup would be my choice. I always try to cook, wash, and store food well away from where I sleep.


I use one of these...it fits all my cooking gear (7 peoples worth) for both stove and campfire (cast iron)..gloves, plates and cups, dry food, spices, utensiles, cleaning stuff and much more like lights and misc...

It is a little heavy sometimes..but doubles as a seat or table for the kiddos..

and it latches so animals cannot get into it..with the gasketed lid it can also be left out in the weather without damaging the contents!!!

and its GOT WHEELS!!!

What are you using wanderer. Did you mean to post a pic or link?


Given the weight of a full kitchen, something with drop down wheeled legs, sort of like an ambulance gurney might be cool.


Am I the only one who can't see Herbie's pictures? the concept sounds awesome, just want to see how it was executed. Thanks


Rendezvous Conspirator
Am I the only one who can't see Herbie's pictures? the concept sounds awesome, just want to see how it was executed. Thanks

Apologies. I thought the photos were in a correctly "shared" album. Permissions should be set correctly now.

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