portable tankless hot water shower heater?


Well-known member
We just picked up the Triton shower earlier this spring along with a Ragasco propane tank, mated to our 21 gallon water tank and you get ridiculously luxuriant showers.

For our week in Monongahela last month we had enough people using it that we had to keep refilling the tank once a day. That's it's disadvantage over something like a Zodi, or even a stove heated sponge bath...the Triton can be a water hog if you're not careful. Usually places we camp have some sort of water access, whether it's a stream, river, lake, spring etc so refilling is not much trouble.

The one flaw our unit has is the shower head on/off switch is a little touchy and if you don't turn it just right the water dribbles out enough to kick the burner on and off.



My wife built the carry box that houses the unit and our soap/shampoo box. The carrying case doubles a shower stand to keep your feet out of the mud. It's a decent setup and it beats the Zodi unit we had hands down....


Last but not least - anyone taken a look at ZODI's extreme shower?

Manual pressurizing - the thing looks like an old fashioned bug sprayer, stashes nicely, has a propane burner stand it sits on, and is very easy to use.

I've used this type of unit once, and the eccotemp HWOD system. And the eccotemp was 100x better. You don't have to fumble with keeping it the pressure up while showering. The eccotemp I used for work (for other purposes) with a small 12v marine pump and it worked great. And from what I've heard they are similar in price.


Western Dirt Rat
Tankless water heaters are more sturdy and smaller while also being more cost-effective. Without having to worry about replacing the water heater in the following two decades, you can also help make the planet greener.

Holy thread resurrection Batman!

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