My 300Tdi 90
Just registered for the forum although I've been viewing this excellent website/forum for a few years. Owned a shed load of landies from a V8 90 to a 130 double cab, but I've settled on this now: )
This is my 300Tdi 90, being prepared for a stab at the Pan Americas in 2013. Not too exotic compared to a lot of UK challenge trucks but she's not really built for extreme offroading.
Things still to do:
Fit second rear mounted fuel tank (Td5), this is currently in the spare room of the flat I share with my (understanding) girlfriend!
Upgrade rear springs to extra heavy duty- I'm basically at max kerb weight when loaded.
Swap Mach 5 rims for Wolfs. The rims are great but not really overland material and they can somtimes allow mud to drive the bead off the rim and leak air slowly.
Swap 8274 for something smaller/less obtrusive. Probably next weekend in fact, want something with a big drum so I can keep the 125ft of 11mm synthetic rope I've currently got.
Anywho, here's some shots from various off roading/green laning/ trips I've done over the last few years: