Postponed.... The sequel to the Maya Rally 2012 -> The 2013 Alaska Rally!

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Quick update, looks like this is going to happen. I spoke with Karl this weekend and he is looking for a web designer.

I am going to circle back with Dan (Grecy) and a couple other folks that have emailed me to get better intel on the route planning.

I also reached out to Alice at Muskoka Foundation and we could do some partnering with some local groups, similar to what has been done on the Maya Rally. It was a highlight for sure for the teams who participated.

it seems like we would already have 4 or 5 teams.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member

Please let us know dates as soon as you know, summer fills up fast.

I'm a Software Engineer, I'd be happy to help out.... (why not just slap up Drual or Wordpress with a theme and get it going?)


Fantastic - I'll send you a pm later today.


Expedition Leader
In my mind, an overland rig is the worst platform for a genuine AK experience. I think a VW bus and a fat wallet to pay for chartered boats, ferries, planes and helicopters is the perfect AK experience.
Flounder I like how you would roll, just make it a Syncro. :smiley_drive:
No worries, I think all who make the Rally will have a time of there life.
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aka rover

Hey guys sorry I haven't had more input , but I'm still on the road from the maya rally...:)

I will be home in a week or so back in the PNW and headed back to Alaska.

I would offer my assistance and would be willing to offer up a guided tour for you Offroad guys.

I could organize a mild Offroad to an extreme Offroad tour.
Let me know what you guys want or need and when I get home put away the old Rover and get into the swing of things ill be happy to help out anyway I can.

Cheers Ed

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
All right, looks like we have no choice but to do it!!!! We found a web developer for the site, and I'll start working on route planning.

I may still need a web designer to redo our logo, if anyone has the skills...

I have created a new section for the forum and will move the thread there. We need to decide the finalize the dates, but I think around the solstice is a great time!

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
By the way here is the first installment of the Maya Rally video series...

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I think it needs to be the solstice, then I can request time off for religious reasons ;)
You could contact ARB as well they are in Renton near Seattle perhaps they could host a meeting/BBQ for the arriving rigs? Im located in seattle and willing to look into things if need be



Expedition Leader
Cool idea, glad to see you are moving forward with it. Wrong time of year for me, unless I make a career change will never have time during the summer months.

Just a suggestion though...I would love to see a "Pan Am Bum Rush" style rally. Say, Pan Am HWY from Mexico border to Panama City. It is an easy one to follow, the CA1 that is, well I am not sure about Mexico City but the rest is easy. It is a great drive which introduces Mexico and CA to people. You can do it in 10 days pretty relaxed barring no major problems. It is not hard to navigate but definitely has some chances for getting lost. And there is plenty of challenges along the way, El Amatillo border being only one of them! Shipping home from Panama City should be a snap if that is what you wanted to do.



New member
Great Idea, but not this year


I love to do the trip and have actually been planning it myself. Unfortunately, my job takes me to French Guiana during the months of June and July. If it was later, August or September, I'd be there with you. If you reschedule, let me know.


wow. much closer to home this time! i only have work off until the 25th, so i don't think i could do the whole thing. but will have to see, pretty short notice and all. would definatly drive down for the send off and probably ride along for the first day or 2 just for fun.

that being said, i might be able to find a locker for my bike and fly back up in august to retrieve it. whens registration open up?
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