privateer prepares for Dakar 2013


Expedition Leader
Here's the second in a series of videos following a privateer team entering the 2013 Dakar Rally. Even with sponsors, the amount of work to prepare for the race is daunting.



I love watching Dakar. -even more, I enjoy watching riders such as these guys who are in it for themselves, not anyone else.

I'm also excited to see Honda running again!


7 days to the start. Simon Pavey will do an excellent job representing the privateer. Another is Lyndon Poskitt he has a good chance of finishing. In America we have Kevin Muggleton
The Dakar is the best way to ignore the winter blues for a few weeks in January. I followed Neduro this year to be the only American to finish and Jonah Street retired this year after several years participating. Great fun and following the daily updates keeps me involved.


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Gotta love the Dakar Rally! I got to race against Jonah Street a few years ago at the Odessa 100 back in washington state. He got first, I got 394th...out of 2000 racers. He seemed a little weird though.

Also got to ride with neduro (Ned) Last June in Canada on the roaming rally. 1000 miles in 3 days. Humbling experence. I was on my 950 adventure, came up on him while I was going a good 110mph on gravel. I looked over and he had 1 hand on his leg just chillin going 110mph, he looked over, gave me the thumbs up, then popped a wheelie on his 450 at 110mph and pulled away like I was standing still. Super nice dude. He was there to bs and help out everyone. Wasnt too cool for school at all. I would gladly ride with him again.

The orange one is mine, white was neds, and black one was Flannys.

Ned in the orange helping out one of our fellow riders who wrecked when he came in the turn to hot. The bike was backwards and upside down from our direction of travel.

7 days to the start. Simon Pavey will do an excellent job representing the privateer. Another is Lyndon Poskitt he has a good chance of finishing. In America we have Kevin Muggleton
The Dakar is the best way to ignore the winter blues for a few weeks in January. I followed Neduro this year to be the only American to finish and Jonah Street retired this year after several years participating. Great fun and following the daily updates keeps me involved.


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I don't know Ned personally, just through support and videos along with the interviews on ADVrider. Seems like the nicest guy. He just placed 2nd in the Tuareg Rally in Tunisia this month. Very talented rider.

I was on a trip with Jonah last summer. 8 of us rode north of Ellensburg to the Canadian Border and back. They were way above my league and I am sure I slowed them down. I was the old man at 55 and got the crap beat out of me. Learned alot, but did not bond with any one of the others and was ready to give up riding after that. It was a race from start to finish and 1/2 through the ride I was just in survival mode. Except for a couple of the other guys the main group seemed to enjoy my agony and challenged me all the time. I had made a poor choice staying with the group. I truly understand your reference.

Got the DSR DVDs put out by Ned and have a whole new outlook on riding. Not competitive, but enjoying the ride.

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