Rarest Knife in the Universe! -Sold


Sold! Thank You.
Just in case there is someone here interested in this. I am selling one of my meteorite knives.

Iron/Stony-Iron - PAL ANOM
Glorieta Mountain, Santa Fe Co., New Mexico
This superbly fashioned knife boasts a blade crafted from one of the more sought-after meteorites amongst collectors, from the renowned Glorieta Mountain meteorite shower. The meteorite metal has been worked in such a way that the natural forms of its interior structure create decorative undulating waves of thinly-lined silver patterning dripping down from the blade's upper edge. With a guard made of beaten metal from the same fall and a handle of polished and oiled tiger-striped flame mahogany it is signed by bladesmith Mike Miller and has a 5-inch blade and measures 9 1/4 inches overall, with a finely-made two-tone leather belt sheath.
Retails for $1,800

I'm willing to sell this to forum members for $600 before Meteorite Knife.jpgI put it on eBay for more.
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Is there any documentation to come with this?

I began typing "Of course there is...", then I dug through the file of provenances for my PreColumbian and prehistoric artifact collection and...I can't find the certificate of authenticity. I have requested a copy be send to me.
In the mean time, I purchased this from I.M. Chait Gallery/Auctioneers at the Natural History Auction on Sunday December 13th, 2009 (NH1209) Lot 198. Can be seen here at www.chait.com . This knive can also be seen on the bladesmith's website (second row from top on the right, #H340) here : http://mmilleroriginals.com/page76.html
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mr r2fj

Fascinating. Most of the knives I've seen made out of meteorite try to preserve the original structure and look. Sounds like he's just taking the metal and making damascus out of it which would actually make it far more functional. Beautiful knife. I don't suppose you're looking to buy a Bike? =)


Expedition Leader
Wow, that is so cool, I never even knew they did this out of meteorites! Can you post pictures of the actual item? That picture looks like it was taken from a web page.


Meteorite Knive, Rolex & Jewelry 010.jpgMeteorite Knive, Rolex & Jewelry 006.jpgMeteorite Knive, Rolex & Jewelry 003.jpgMeteorite Knive, Rolex & Jewelry 001.jpgMeteorite Knive, Rolex & Jewelry 002.jpgMeteorite Knive, Rolex & Jewelry 004.jpg
Before the iron age, meteorites were the only source of iron for knives. Biblically, when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, it was with a knive fashioned out of a meteorite that fell in the desert of Canaan. That knife was even part of the plot of Dan Brown's novel The Lost Symbol.

mr r2fj

With most meteorite knives I would be, but for this one not as much. A lot of the meteorite knives out there are made from an actual slab of meteorite (and can be vastly more expensive). It sounds like the maker uses a normal high carbon core steal for the cutting edge and overall knife strength. The outer layer is a damascus he creates from the meteorite material. It should function the same as any other "san mai" knife would, which is to say fairly well. Someone should buy this before I do.
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What could go wrong?
Just got the knife today.

The photos do not do it justice!


Thank you Michael for a trouble-free transaction.


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