Re-purposing plastic tubs/jars?


Hey all,

I've saved a few of these because I figured I would find a use for them. Every couple months, I'll buy an exercise supplement or two. The plastic tubs they come in seem useful for car camping/off road trips (at least, ones where I don't need to cram things into every open space). I have moved to using Rubbermaid totes when packing the truck for trips, and they would fit easily into those. The only problem is...I'm not sure what to put in them yet!


I've used a couple in the garage for nuts/bolts/washers. But what else would you use these for, either around the house or car camping/off roading? Any ideas are appreciated!


I cut a slot in the body of a Folgers container to house toilet paper, keeps it dry and from unraveling all over the place. The size is perfect for the mega roll TP.


Expedition Leader
i have found them great to put in bulk foods for camping, i cook alot from scratch so i bring lots of pantry items, flour, sugar, corn meal, bisquick, dry beans, rice ect.


Good ideas so far! I especially like the TP one...I hate how loose rolls get so beat-up on a trip! I could use them for snacks, but I'm not much of a cook (either on the trail, or at home). I eat mostly snack stuff that requires very little to no preparation. lol.

Anyone have more ideas? Keep them coming! :)

Silver dude

I use the optimum whey container like that in the garage to hold used oil. I leave the cap off and place my funnels over the top. Stores the funnels upright and drains the funnels of liquid so they are ready for the next use. The big opening makes it easy to pour the used oil in.



GF also puts small spices (salt, pepper, sugar, parsley, etc) into labeled powder gatorade containers to keep them organized.

Stupid story: Middle of the night, wasn't paying attention one time and placed a roll of TP on a ant hill. When I went for the TP it was crawling with ants, I had to beat the roll against the ground to get the ants off. Lets just say its not fun wiping with a bunch of dirty TP and praying no ants are getting near the no-no areas. ....into a plastic container it went. :victory:


GF also puts small spices (salt, pepper, sugar, parsley, etc) into labeled powder gatorade containers to keep them organized.

Stupid story: Middle of the night, wasn't paying attention one time and placed a roll of TP on a ant hill. When I went for the TP it was crawling with ants, I had to beat the roll against the ground to get the ants off. Lets just say its not fun wiping with a bunch of dirty TP and praying no ants are getting near the no-no areas. ....into a plastic container it went. :victory:

omg...that would be terrible!

Some years ago, I remember my step-dad yelling to my mother from the bathroom, " burns! It burns! My a#$hole burns!!! What's wrong with these baby wipes?!?!" (he's like a 15 year old in a grown-ups' body).

Turns mom left a pouch of Clorox bleach wipes on top of the toilet which looked VERY much like baby wipes. Whoops! =X


i use old jars in the garage for bolts and screws and other small items. screw the lid to a board above the work bench and just unscrew the jar. i use a larger peanut butter jar (plastic) in my kayak to hold my phone and camera.


Peanut Butter Jars ******, the lids are screwed onto the underside of the shelf.


Right after I did this, Skippy started using jars from two different suppliers with different threads. So you have to be careful.

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