repairing an edgestar 63qt. help


browsing craigslist today for random things i came across a free Non Cooling edgestar fridge, figured it couldnt hurt to try and fix it. (If the guy who gave it away is on here, thanks, it will work for me working or not ha)

The guy i picked it up from said he has no idea what could be the cause so im starting from scratch with a broken system without knowing the conditions it was exposed to when it stopped cooling.

I plugged it into 120v plug in my apartment and it powers ups and the compressor? makes noise. all the buttons work but does not cool.

I have limited knowledge of refrigeration systems, so i have no idea where to start my diagnosis. I've emailed Edgestar to see if they have a troubleshooting guide.

Have any of yall ran into this problem before? I am willing to spend a couple hundred to fix it to working condition.


Expedition Leader
Pull the panel off the side where the control buttons are so you can see all the electrical. Make sure all your connections are...connected. Mine ceased functioning on DC and I feared the worst but turned out it was just a loose connection. Actually I should say ALL the connections were loose, every single one, but only the DC side of things was loose enough to stop functioning.

Oh, there's repair videos on YouTube as well. Simple search.


New member
I have a 43Q that has done the same thing. Just stopped cooling one day. Still powers on and everything seems to work. Maybe leaked out freon?


There's another Edge Star thread in this section. It links to a fantastic DIY tour of the guts and how to remove things and in what order. One part discusses the likely cause if it works but doesn't cool. Best part is the teacher is actually a wrench at their factory.


the side panel was off when i picked it up, so far ive removed all electronics from inside to clean out the dog hair and check connections, saw a few youtube videos about checking continuity on the compressor, which checked out fine. ive tightened everything and have it plugged in now, hopefully its nothing major, but im not really sure, ill read up on the edgestar thread and hope to find a solution

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