Repost: For Sale: Highly modified/updated 2015 Taxa Cricket, Denver, CO


New member
Hey all,
I am reposting this to start a new thread. My good friend (Jafrench on this forum) passed away very suddenly in June 2020. His wife is looking to sell the cricket and asked me to manage the communication around selling it. JaFrench was really dedicated to his cricket and to documenting the upgrades he made to it. It is still in great condition. His wife used it once or twice since his death.
Here is the link to the full forum thread on it.

She has brought the price down to $20000

Let me know if you would interested in purchasing it or if you have other questions.
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Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
KristyFindlay - You must supply us some sort of proof of the legitimacy of your post as you communicated a known spam e-mail to someone who reached out to contact the seller. If I have nothing from you within the next 12 hours, I'll remove this thread.

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