Roam About with "Big Hank"


I don't know what the hell all that is about. Never heard of the guy. I guess he just liked my original post so much he just had to use it. Can't wait to hear the rest of his (my) story. Wonder if he got the same pictures I did? I need to go locate Petey, he may have stole him as well! :) Wonder if he was trying to quote the post and ended up hitting the wrong button or something? Can't imagine he'd try and start a new thread and simply copy and paste. I sent him a PM. Probably an honest mistake or I least I hope so.
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There's only one Petey!

Amen to that. Not sure the world could handle another Petey. :wings:


I sent the moderator a PM about the bogus post. Not sure if they end up contacting me direct or just delete the thread if they deem it necessary. Really strange why someone would do that.


Update to blogsite:

Time to get back on the road even if for a brief period, be around some like-minded people for a couple of days and then ...... solitude. I attended the NW Overland Rally in Plain, Washington where one can camp, roam around looking at all kind of rigs, view vendor's trying to sell cool items that I can't afford or don't really need, attend classes covering a wide range of subjects, drink some free beer, bull**** with other Overlanders, win free stuff at the nightly raffle drawing and generally do a lot of nothing for a couple of days........



Park, It was great to meet you @ the NWOR. Amelia (my dobie mix) and I also enjoyed hanging out with Petey... not every day you meet an internet celebrity ;) Best on your upcoming travels, we'll be monitoring your blog for updates. Cheers, Mike.


Thanks for the update. Wish my office had a view like Ken's (but I hope I'm not back in this office in 50 years...)

Ken's office is one you wouldn't mind going back to again and again.

Park, It was great to meet you @ the NWOR. Amelia (my dobie mix) and I also enjoyed hanging out with Petey... not every day you meet an internet celebrity ;) Best on your upcoming travels, we'll be monitoring your blog for updates. Cheers, Mike.

Nice meeting you as well. Glad you stopped by and hung out awhile.


Been getting my old Phantom One drone back in order. I'd had some problems with it and really didn't use it much over the past two years but wanted to take it on the road again. Leaving in a couple of weeks so I spent the last two days messing with it. I think I've got it figured out and needed some practice flying again. Petey and I hung out at a school field and got a shot looking towards the Narrows Bridge over the San Juan Strait. No crashes but Petey did attack it once after a landing!



Decided while in Durango to head back to the west to check out Mesa Verde National Park and then north from there up towards a little town called Rico. Guy had told me about some back roads getting there. Looked at camping in Mesa Verde but it was expensive so I decided to view the park and then find some stealth camping outside the park. This turned out to be a mistake as I got rousted by a Deputy Sheriff later that night for camping on county property. It was after dark when I pulled into a large gravel pit area on a fairly remote road. I figured no one would be around and it was already almost 10 pm when I stopped. About two the next morning I was told to exit the camper. Once he saw that I wasn't some terrorist he allowed to me stay the remainder of the night but that I should be gone at daybreak. No problem, I'll be outta here.

Mesa Verde....




Sunset that evening while driving out of the park..


Broke camp at the crack of dawn as instructed and headed north and took 134 north and turned off on the back road which leads to Dunton Hot Springs. Great road and tons of places to pull off and camp. Wildlife everywhere as I saw deer, black bear and elk during the day. Road gains quite a bit of altitude and then drops you out just north of Rico. A few downed trees that I had to saw some limbs off of to get around and some serious mud in places due to snow melt but I was able to get through. Can be stressful at times pulling the trailer when the road gets bad as I've been on a few where the option of backing up is non-existent. I have had to unhook the trailer a couple of times, unload the bike, turn it around by hand and then find a place to turn the truck around. Doable but a pain in the ***.





Stopped at the hot springs but the whole place was booked up for some big shindig wedding. They didn't allow any camping anyway so I just drove about another 5 miles and found a place back in the trees. When I got to some internet a few days later I checked on the prices for the cabins at the springs. Holy Smoke....that place is expensive. Apparently you can't just stop and pay for a soak. You have to rent a cabin. Way too rich for my blood. That wedding party must have spent a small fortune to book that place for two full nights. All that money and they'll probably be divorced in a few years!

Visitor at camp .......





Stayed the one night back outside of Rico and then got into town the following day. After leaving the dirt I was on some pavement for a short period and saw two people standing next to their car in the buff drying off next to the river. Water was way too cold for any sane person to be swimming so I figured.....ah hah, hot spring in the area. Did a U-turn and sure enough they told me to follow the path for a short distance and enjoy. Had it all to myself and soaked a good hour before heading into Rico.

Perfect spot along the river and the temp was a little over 100 degrees.



Few miles down the road......latte time!


Broke camp at the crack of dawn as instructed and headed north and took 134 north and turned off on the back road which leads to Dunton Hot Springs. Great road and tons of places to pull off and camp. Wildlife everywhere as I saw deer, black bear and elk during the day. Road gains quite a bit of altitude and then drops you out just north of Rico. A few downed trees that I had to saw some limbs off of to get around and some serious mud in places due to snow melt but I was able to get through. Can be stressful at times pulling the trailer when the road gets bad as I've been on a few where the option of backing up is non-existent. I have had to unhook the trailer a couple of times, unload the bike, turn it around by hand and then find a place to turn the truck around. Doable but a pain in the ***.

Do you have aby further info on this route. I am not able to find 134 except in Northern Colorado. Could it be 38?


I've been idle for awhile with the roaming about but Friday night we decided to load up the Chinook and leave within the hour for the northwesternmost point in the continental United States, Cape Flattery. The cape is located on the Strait of Juan de Fuca where it meets the Pacific Ocean. It is a vast headland of sea stacks, deep narrow coves, and rugged beauty..........

Update to the blogsite:

Hey here I am getting ready to call it a day as I lie here in the bed of my pick up in southeast Montana checking out your blog. Thanks for posting more amazing photographs. You're incredibly talented. I think you may need one of these Bigfoot 4x4's.....



Hey Park. The latest blog post photos are spectacular. I can't wait to get up there some day. I'm with JerryYukonMontana. Sounds like you need a BigFoot. :)


Hey here I am getting ready to call it a day as I lie here in the bed of my pick up in southeast Montana checking out your blog. Thanks for posting more amazing photographs. You're incredibly talented. I think you may need one of these Bigfoot 4x4's.....

Thanks for the compliment on the pics. I've never seen one of those Bigfoot rigs in that configuration but I would think it would be a well rounded rig. May still have some limitations due to its size off road but what a sweet looking set up. Was it older or something new?

Hey Park. The latest blog post photos are spectacular. I can't wait to get up there some day. I'm with JerryYukonMontana. Sounds like you need a BigFoot. :)

Thanks. It's a place you should certainly put on your bucket list.


Great pics , looks like you are having the time of your life. Have you thought about doing a 4wd conversion on the Chinook. MGmetalworks has a really nice kit for the front axle and he is in the northwest.

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